Favourite people

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Fletch sat stroking her knuckles, he pushed a stray hair off her face, kissed her palms, all with a soppy grin on his face as they chatted.
"I really should get back Jac" he said eventually
She gently stroked his forearm
"I'm really tired anyway"she said
He bent forward and kissed her forehead. Jac frowned. He laughed and placed the briefest of kisses on her lips
"I see, that's how it's going to be is it, sulk until you get what you want?" He chuckled
"Pretty much Fletcher"
"Fair enough. Good to know"
He bent forward again, this time nuzzling her neck. "Hurry up and get better Naylor I have plans for you" his lips vibrated against her neck as he spoke
This sent tingles through her body.
"I'll do my best"
"Urgh I really, really, need to go. Christ Jac" he groaned as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck
"Two can play that game"
He reluctantly stood up "you're a bad woman Jac Naylor"
"Oh you have no idea"
Jac drifted back off to sleep. Content.
Back on the ward, Fletch was still trying to process what had just happened.
After all this time, all the months, all the 'almost' moments. He shook his head and laughed to himself.
"Where did you disappear to after surgery?" Mo asked
"I had important business to attend to. I am DoN you know, I have responsibilities beyond this ward"
Mo smirked "'important business' - on ITU by any chance?"
Fletch didn't answer her  and walked off.
At the end of his shift he decided to briefly call in on Jac before heading home.
Sacha had picked Emma up and taken her to see Jac. It was important for the little girl to see her mum. Between them Sacha and Fletch had tried to reassure her when she'd asked when her mummy was going to be better. Tried to reassure her even when it looked as if Jac could not be saved.
"Hi" Fletch announced his arrival and smiled as he watched Jac looking at the pictures and get well cards that Emma had made
"Hi" they all replied. After chatting for a few minutes Jac looked around the room
"Well look at that my three favourite people in the whole world in the same room. Aren't I a lucky girl Emma?"
Emma giggled "uncle Sacha says he'll take me to McDonalds" she tugged on Sacha's sleeve "can we go now?"
Jac laughed "uncle Sacha should know better than to take you there but I think you deserve a treat baby. Off you go. I'm sure Sacha or Fletch will bring you in tomorrow"
Emma climbed up on a chair had kissed her mother. She gave her a gentle hug having been warned by Sacha to be careful with her mother
"Come on then mini Naylor" Sacha grinned he too leant over and kissed Jac's forehead
"See you tomorrow hun"
Jac smiled "OK Bye you two" and with that they left
"Hey you" Fletch said softly, moving to the chair next to her bed
"Hey" she smiled
"So I'm one of your favourite people?"
"It's a very exclusive group"
"I'm so pleased to be part of it" he kissed her lightly
"Emma seems happy"
"You and Sacha have done a great job between you, thank you so much. You understand what she means to me and how much I want her childhood to be different to mine" Jac eyes filled with tears
"Hey it's ok sweetheart, she's fine, we've got it covered"
Jac choked back a sob "I know" she entwined her fingers with his "but it was nearly so different"
"Sssh" he soothed
Jac gave a small wobbly laugh "you just called me sweetheart- that's going to take some getting used to"
He chuckled "You have the rest of your life to get used to it" mortified he realised what he'd said "oh you know what I mean"
She smiled and squeezed his hand
"Listen I have to go sort the kids out. I just popped in for a minute. Have you got your phone?"
"I think it might be in the locker" Fletch retrieved it "I'll call you later Ok?"
"Ok and Fletch?"
"I love you"
His heart swelled "I love you too" and he left
Jac was smiling soppily after him when he burst back in and kissed her, then, without a word, he rushed out again
"Idiot" she said to herself

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