Pine Tree vs Stitched Heart

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You wake up and head downstairs where your parents are waiting for you. "Have a seat, son" your dad says pulling out a chair. You sit down at the table. "Son," your dad begins, "it's been about a month since we've moves here and almost every day you've been going to that Mystery Shack." You shrug asking what's the big deal. "The big deal is we don't know who you're hanging out with and we need to know who they are" your mom says chiming in. "Then let's meet them. They should be at the Shack right now!" you say defending them. "We have work, son. We don't have time to meet them" your dad says chiming back in. "Until then, you are not to see them until we get to have a meeting with them."

This makes you clench your fists. "You mean to tell me I can't see any of the only friends I've made in this town?!?" Your dad tells you to not raise your voice at your mother and him. You cross your arms in frustration. "We're only looking out for your protection" your mom says. "We don't know what these friends of yours are like. They could do something stupid while you're all hanging out, they get in trouble with the police, and even though you didn't do anything, you'd be in juvie with the great of them!" Your anger only increases. "Why do you assume that they're all street rats and hoodlums? Including Wendy?"

Your dad speaks up. "Oh yeah, Wendy...her father, Manly Dan doesn't seem very family friendly. His sons look like they could really hurt someone!" You stand up to your dad. "Wendy is nothing like her family! She's laid back, caring, and her father is amazing, by the way!" Your parent's eyes widen. "You met her father?!?" your mother blurts out. "That's it, son!!" your dad says slamming his hand on the table. "You're not aloud to go to that shack, or anywhere with your friends!!! You're grounded!!!"

You storm up to your room. Your parents soon leave for work. "Do you think we were hard on him, Dan? Did we have to lie to him?" Dan keeps his eyes on the road. "Yes, Maria. We had to protect him from that man. If he can't be at the Shack, then so be it." Maria scratches her head. "I've seen him at that place. He's made a pretty good living, Dan. Is it possible that he's changed?" Dan says no. "My father and grandparents always told me not to try and contact him. When my father died he told me if I ever encountered him, I shouldn't trust him. He's not what he seems. Nothing but a narcissistic conman." A couple minutes later you look outside. You don't see the car and smile mischievously. "I'm coming, Wendy!" you say heading for the Shack.


You see that Stan made a pretty good fair. "Step right up and dunk me folks! I'm talking to you Cut-Offs!" Stan says from the inside of a water dunk machine. A bunch of people try but fail to dunk Stan, because, of course, he rigged it. You walk over joining in the laughter of the people failing. "Not bad, Mr Pines!" Stan grins at you. "Thanks, Y/N! At least some people can take a joke!" Stan screams through a megaphone. A high pitched ringing permeates throughout the fair grounds.

You say goodbye to Stan and go to find the twins and hopefully Wendy. "Heh heh. Nice kid. Reminds me a lot of--" Stan sees another worthy customer and starts picking on him. You find the twins at the Mystery Dog stand. You all say hello and them Mabel does something very Mabel. "OH MY GOSH A PIG!!!" she screams pointing at a sign with the picture of a pig and the simple words "WIN A PIG". An arrow points right.

She sprints towards where they're keeping all fo the pigs while you and Dipper shrug and go walk away. Wendy, who just got done wiping some mustard off her shirt, joins you two. She greets you and playfully punches your shoulder causing you to blush lightly. "I'm gonna go get a freezy cone. Anyone want one?" you ask them. They both say no and head towards a knock down bottles with a ball carni game. The prizes, while the same, are very bizarre. You scratch your head wondering what they even are. "Woah! Check it out!" Wendy exclaims pointing to the stand.

That Axe Loving Readhead: A Gravity Falls Insert/ X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now