Take Back The Falls

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August 27th

You look around to see so many unfamiliar faces like some garden gnomes, a weird cow creature, and familiar faces like Candy and Grenda, and Pacifica Northwest from the newspapers. She seems to be wearing a potato sack. The twins run over to hug Stan and soon you, Soos, and Wendy join in on it. Pretty soon one of the cow creature calls out that an eye bat is headed for the Shack. Everyone gets quiet and turns off the lights. The eye bat scans the Shack and soon leaves. It finds a nearby running squirrel and freezes it into stone. After that, Stan lights a match and throws it into a trash can lighting up the whole room revealing so many injured people and creatures.

"Welcome to what's left of normal around here. Home Base." Stan says with a sour voice. You see a unicorn, more gnomes, Toby again, somehow he got here, and the popular boy band, Several Timez. Dipper recognizes a video game character from a fighting game at the arcade and gets excited. "Rumble McSkirmish?! I can't believe you're here! What's wrong?" The character told Dipper that Weirdmageddon taught him that he can't win every battle and that he now goes by Humble McSkirmish. Mabel asks how this all happened and Stan explains that he was hammering signs outside the Shack when it happened. He ran inside the Shack that wasn't effected. "Turns out whatever you and my brother did to the Shack with you unicorn magic voodoo, made the crazy place invincible to weirdness!"

Your eyes widen and tap Wendy on the shoulder. "When you told me you, Mabel, and her friends were going to find unicorns, you actually found some?! I thought you were playing a prank on me!" Wendy smiles awkwardly. "Well I didn't know that they would use the hair to make some sort of weirdness sheild! Ford must've known this would happen or something!" You sigh a bit annoyed. Stan goes on saying that soon Mcgucket brought a few friends to the Shack who needed a place to stay. He then elected himself Chief since the mayor got captured. "The plan's to eat raw meat till' we run out. Then I vote we eat the gnomes." One of the gnomes try to protest, but Stan tells him that stress will make him chewy. Dipper tells Stan that you all need to do something and of what happened to Ford. "Serve that jerk right!" Stan says. "My brother's had some stupid plans, but going up against an all powerful space demon was his worst one yet!"

Stan sits down telling the kids it's all okay as he soon gets massaged by the MultiBear and fanned by two gnomes. Dipper asks if Stan is just going to let Bill win and Stan replies saying that he's sure that they're fine. He accidentally turns the TV on by slapping his hand on the remote. News reporter, Shandra Jimenez broadcasts the inside of Bill's fortress showing a giant chair of everyone from Gravity Falls that turned to stone. Wendy sees her family and starts to tear up. You quickly comfort her as she buries her face into your chest. "We'll get them back...somehow" you tell her. Shandra herself gets caught by an eye bat and turns to stone. Everyone soon begins to lose hope when Mabel and Dipper speak up.

"Bill wants us to run and hide. He wants us to think he's invincible. Ford told me before he was captured, that he knows Bill's secret weaknesses!" Dipper goes on saying that everyone combines their strength, smarts, and whatever Toby has, then you can all rescue Ford, learn Bill's weakness.m, and save Gravity Falls. Everyone gets hyped ready to fight back when Stan pulls the plug on it. "Besides we're only safe inside. It's not like we can take the Mystery Shack to Bill!" Mcgucket gets an idea and gets the twins, you, Soos, and Wendy in a huddle. He explains to make a giant robot out of the Shack by adding limbs and accessories to it.


Mcgucket soon shows the blueprints he just made of the machine. Soos asks if it has any gun swords. "I watch a lot of anime and trust me. You're gonna want some gun swords." Mcgucket what an anime is and Soos tells him that Mcgucket and him have much to discuss. Stan still isn't okay with fighting back and that this whole thing is crazy. He asks what idiots would build it and Mabel simply points at the rest of you. "Grunkle Stan, you're lookin' at those idiots." Everyone cheers ready to help.

That Axe Loving Readhead: A Gravity Falls Insert/ X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now