Festival of Love

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August 1st

You, Wendy, the guys, Dipper, and Mabel are all sitting on the grass in the cemetery looking at the clouds. Mabel points out one that looks like a chipmunk right before a plane flies throughout it. "Barfing an airplane!" Wendy says making everyone laugh. Thompson points out a cloud that looks like a waffle, but he just calls it a cloud making everyone boo. "Thomson, stop being the worst at everything" Wendy tells him. Everyone laughs as Thomson apologizes. Mabel points out a heart shaped balloon, but she thinks it's a cloud. "Clouds don't come in colors, that is a balloon!" Dipper exclaims. Wendy realizes that it's the Woodstick Festival and explains what it is to the kids.

Wendy asks you to take Tambry's phone and you do making her annoyed. You hand it to her and she shows the kids all of the indie bands that are coming to play including a solo act named Love God. She shows them a video of him falling off the stage. Dipper says that hes never been to a real concert and Wendy replies that he's never had an awesome crew to roll with before. She points to Lee, Nate, and Thomson. Thompson is about to lick a dirty sponge while being cheered on by Lee and Nate while Mabel just watches. He licks it and immediately starts gagging. "When you're with us, you're in" you tell Dipper making him smile.


You're all hanging out at Thompson's house planning for the festival. So far you've picked out outfits and bought tickets (well, Thompson bought all of them by selling his watch). "Hey! Since the food might be really expensive, why don't we just sneak in snack food by taping them to Thompson, and them he can hide them by wearing something over them!" Everyone seems to really like that idea making Dipper feel good about himself. Lee and Nate get a bunch of tape and snack food and start taping them all around Thompson's body. "More snacks! More snacks! More snacks!" Lee and Nate chant as they continue to tape more and more junk food on their friend. "I'm just happy to be included" Thompson says before a peice of tape gets put over his mouth.

"Ha! This is brilliant!" Wendy says. "The perfect way to sneak cheap snacks into the concert and it was all Dipper's idea!" Everyone tells Dipper how good of a job he did making him feel really  good  about  himself. "Kid, I sense greatness in you" Lee says kneeling down to him and putting his hand on his shoulder. "Well I don't know about..." Dipper says before Lee picks him up and puts him on his shoulders. "Greatness!!" Wendy tells everyone to everyone to go home and get ready for the concert and you add on by saying that you all will meet up in about two hours. "Hey, don't wait up, Tambers!" Nate says to Tambry jokingly. Tambry tells him to not call her that and Nate laughs right before leaving. "Classic Tambers."

Two Hours Later...

Everyone soon meets back up at Thompson's house all dressed up for the concert. Even Mabel decided to go in a sweater she made just for the concert. "Alright, who's ready for the best and  most overpriced day of our summer?!" Wendy asks enthusiastically. Everyone cheers ready to have fun. Thompson brings up that he brought a bag of trail mix and safety whistles in case you got separated and Dipper coughs while saying lame making everything laugh. "We're just waiting on Tambry" Nate says. "Can't leave without Tambry." A few minutes later Tambry shows up in her concert wear staring at her phone. "Alright! Let's go!" you say walking out of the garage. Everyone cheers and follows you to Thompson's van. Everyone gets in and after about fifteen minutes of driving, you're at the festival.


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You soon arrive at the concert area of the festival and see that it's a long line.

You all give the security guards your tickets and they punch the holes in them allowing you to enter

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You all give the security guards your tickets and they punch the holes in them allowing you to enter. You look around to see what band you should see first and you decide to go to the Handlebar Bros. You notice that their mustaches are connected to each other which form so many questions in your head. Do they all sleep in the same bed? Eww! If they each go on a date is it always a triple date? How would they all go to the bathroom? You try not to think about it and enjoy the concert. A few more concerts and you decide to walk through the festival for fun. You soon smell smoke and look up to see a giant balloon that's shaped and looks like Stan's head. There's a giant sign above it says I Eat Kids. To make it more menacing it's on fire.

It quickly comes down on the festival and also towards all of you

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It quickly comes down on the festival and also towards all of you. You turn and run the other way with the others when you trip and fall down. As you get back up the balloon gets closer to falling on you. With no hesitation, Wendy swoops in, grabs you, and gets you and herself away before the balloon could fall to the ground. "Wow! Thanks Babe!" Wendy flips her hair in confidence. "I think you've saved me enough this summer. It's about time I've saved you at least once." You kiss her on the cheek. "This is why I love you" you say making the others gag jokingly. You all laugh and walk off to keep enjoying the festival.


You just left the Love God concert and think about leaving since it's getting a bit late and both you and Wendy have work tomorrow. Thompson drops his hat and bends over to grab it when his coat rips revealing his taped snacks. "Hey! Food from the outside!" The security guards chase him up a pole that Thompson climbs. One of them get a broom and start beating him with it while the other blows a whistle. "Yeah! Fight the machine, Thompson!" Nate says. "Throw snacks at him!" Wendy adds. "Use jerky as a weapon!" you add on as well. You all start chanting Thompson's name as he grabs a nearby rope and swings between two poles. Both guards now with brooms start beating him like a human pinata. Snacks fall off of him as they continue to beat him. This has been a crazy yet awesome night! You say as you all laugh at Thompson.

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That Axe Loving Readhead: A Gravity Falls Insert/ X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now