New Boss

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June 27th

You make it over to the Shack after your parents have left where Stan sits on the outside couch enjoying a Pit Cola. He's not wearing his usual suit, instead he's wearing a t-shirt, slippers, and boxers. He sees you come over and calls out to you. "Hey, Y/N! Come over here! I wanna talk to you about something." You smile as you walk up the steps and stand next to him. Stan offers you a seat and you sit down. "So, how would you like to work here at the Mystery Shack?" Your eyes widen. "Why...why would you want me Mr Pines?" you ask him. "You seem like a nice kid. Heck, if you're with Wendy, you might as well work over here!" Stan laughs slapping you on the back and you laugh back.

"Plus you remind me a lot of myself back when I was your age. So, do you want a job?" Stan holds out your hand. You think about what your parents would say. What mostly your dad would say. You then think of spending ever day with the coolest and cutest redhead in the world. You smile and shake Stan's hand. "I'd be happy to." Stan chuckles. "Good grip you got there, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow at 8 AM. Wendy's in the Employees only room. You're now aloud back there all the time." You go inside to tell Wendy the good news.

As the week goes by, you get used to your new job at the Mystery Shack and spending every day with The Pines, Soos, and especially Wendy. You did tell your parents you got a job but you told them it was at Greasy's Diner and not the Shack. They seem to think it's a fine job and suprisingly don't ask any other questions.

July 11th

Currently you, Dipper, Mabel, and Sood are all painting the Mystery Shack sign with glitter paint after a long day of work. "Phew! I know I've only been working here for a week," you say wiping the sweat off your brow, "but is Mr Pines always like this?" Everyone says yes. "And don't stop until you've covered that sign in glitter! Glittering signs attract tourists! Also large birds" Stan says before an eagle swoops down and attacks Soos. Stan laughs and walks away. "Okay is it just me or is having Grunkle Stan as a boss seriously the worst?" Dipper asks everyone. "I know, right?" Wendy adds on. "Why do we even put up with it?" Soos chimes in and tells how he asked Stan about doing something new by becoming the Shack's mascot. He wanted to be called Questiony the Question Mark.

Everyone tells Soos that they like the idea, but Soos tells everyone that Stan didn't think he could handle it, which makes Mabel angry. Soon quitting time saves you all and the three of you head home. Soos offers you a ride in his pickup truck and you all drive home instead of walking. The next day comes and you walk to work with Wendy hand in hand. "Another hard working day with the best girl ever." Wendy blushes and kisses you on the cheek. You walk in the gift shop and see Soos with Dipper. They found a note saying the boss wants to see all of you. You all head to Stan's office. "You wanted to see us, Mr Pines?" Soos says, opening the door. The chair, that was facing away from you, turns around to reveal Mabel sitting in it wearing a pantsuit and glasses.

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