Pow! Bam! Sound Effect!

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August 22nd

A while has past since Stanford has moved back into his house. You've had a few chats with him and Dipper and suprisingly you and Dipper remind him a lot of him when he was a kid. The two Stans don't fight as often as they first did but still get into a few arguments. You, Mabel, and Dipper also connect a lot more now that you realize you're related. You feel really close to them and would do anything for them. Currently, you and Wendy are sitting at the counter reading a Blarchie comic together while the twins are checking out comics Soos brought them.

As they enjoy looking at them Stan soon barges in. "Bah!" he yells out. "So called comic books are dumb rags for babies and the perpetually unemployed! Soos! Load these into the Bottomless Pit!" Soos argues with Stan, telling him how great comics are, but Stan doesn't bite. "Besides, these goof em' up rags just distract the employees! Look!" Stan points to you and Wendy as you continue to read Blarchie. Stan takes the comics Soos brought and stores them in a chest that Ford found. "There's no way this could ironically backfire!" He walks away happily. A while later Ford calls everyone into the basement and explains that the cursed chest sucked Stan inside a comic book.

 A while later Ford calls everyone into the basement and explains that the cursed chest sucked Stan inside a comic book

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"Well, my brother's charming personality has gotten us into another fix" Ford says a bit annoyed. He tells everyone that in order to save Stan you all have to go inside the comic book. Dipper says that this whole situation seems like some advanced escapism. You and Wendy are excited to be violent with no consequences and Mabel is ready to hug every talking animal.

 You and Wendy are excited to be violent with no consequences and Mabel is ready to hug every talking animal

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Soos holds his stomach. "It's been an honor to serve you." You all jump in ready to go on a comic filled adventure. "Last one there has to kiss Marmeduke!" Wendy says as you all fall down what seems to be a white abyss.

 "Last one there has to kiss Marmeduke!" Wendy says as you all fall down what seems to be a white abyss

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