Red Skies

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August 24th

Later today you head to Gravity Falls High School as you wait in line to get your schedule. The man at the front desk soon calls Wendy up. "Wendy...Borduroy? C-Corduroy?" Everyone starts laughing at her making her lightly blush yet with an annoyed face. You get ready to say something, but she motions her hand letting you know that it's okay.


You, Wendy, Lee, Nate, Tambry, and Thomson all lay on a hill talking about how you all don't want to go back to school when the skies start turning red for some weird reason. You and Wendy look at each other worryingly. You get ready to head home when a swarm of what looks like eyeballs with wings on them starts flying towards you. As they get closer they turn bystanders into statues made of stone. You and Wendy run ahead hoping that you don't get attacked. You look back to see the group all get turned into stone. Wendy looks back at starts to tear up. She drops down to her knees sobbing. "Babe, we need to leave! Now!" Wendy doesn't listen and continues to cry.

"Wendy, listen to me, if we leave now there's still a chance of saving them! You're a Corduroy. You don't give up. Not on them. Not on me. Not on Gravity Falls." Wendy sniffs and wipes away her tears. "Okay" she says finally. "I think I have a plan. My dad would always train me and my brothers in Apocalypse Training instead of Christmas. I could teach you a few things for the time we have. But first we have to gather supplies." You suggest the mall which Wendy agrees to. "I just hope that the twins are okay" you say to her. "Don't worry too much, Y/N. I know they're you' now...but they're tougher than they look."

A while later and you've learned a few tricks from Wendy. Including a few acrobatics, a few fighting tactics, and how to make pretty much anything a weapon. You sit on the roof while Wendy makes a small fire in one of the stores when you see someone cowering in front of some eye bats not too far away. You slide town a nearby pipe down to the ground, head to where this is happening, Gideon's abandoned car dealership, and and jump onto a car. You jump up onto it, grab it's wings, and pull them causing the laser to shoot out at the other two eye bats.

You see that it's Toby Determined who needed help and he thanks you for your help. You offer to take him into the mall along with yourself and Wendy which he accepts immediately. You bring him in and see that somehow one of the eye bats got inside the mall. You run away and hide in the store "Edgy On Purpose" and explain to Wendy what happened. She let's him stay and you all continue to stay inside the mall.


You sit by the fire while Toby goes on patrol with Wendy when they come back with someone you're very happy to see. Wendy sits next to you and cooks a bat while telling Dipper about what happened to you and her as this all happened. Dipper explained that he and Mabel got into a fight after Ford offered Dipper to be his apprentice, staying in Gravity Falls after summer ends. "Mabel didn't take it well and ran off into the forest. She couldn't even look me in the eye." Dipper sulks afraid and guilty of what the whereabouts of his sister could be and how sorry he is for making her feel that way. "Come on" you speak up. "Let's get some fresh air, huh?" Wendy smiles. "That's a good idea" she says getting up.

"Toby, you watch the camp." Toby walks out of a changing stall with some of the weirdest outfit combos in the store. A blue and green mohawk, a shirt that says Sassy Girl on it, and a bunch of other accessories. "Call me Bodacious T!" he says putting his hands on his hips. "No one will ever call you that." Tony groans as the rest of you head up to the roof. On the way there he explains how this happened. He's already explained to both of you who Bill is and what he's done to him and Mabel and even Soos already knows who he is.

That Axe Loving Readhead: A Gravity Falls Insert/ X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now