Back Story

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I wasn't always like this.  I used to be an innocent little girl that everyone loves. now I'm too busy being envied to be loved. I remember 7 years ago, when I was 13. This was my first time seeing her do wrong. I always saw the best in people and never excluded them for them.  But the first time I saw this, my heart couldn't find the right in her.


It was a windy Friday night and I planned to stay with my dad for the weekend. I use to hate going over there because his wife always tried to play mommy with me. But lately I loved it because my real mommy wasn't doing her duties.  Anyways, I walked through the front door throwing my booksack in the corner. I was so happy because we were supposed to watch movies together. I ran into the living room with the biggest smile ever.

"Momma Momma I'm ready. " I yelled.

She turned around and had a white lining of whatever comming from her nose. Her nose was burning red and her eyes were glistening. Me being 13, I didn't know what was going on until my dad told me. 

Her olive green eyes pierced through mines as she sniffed around the room.

She did a small smile and I smiled in return.  Out of no where she charged to me and slapped me on the floor. I sat up and started backing up to the wall.  This wasn't the mommy I loved. She never put her hands on me.

She starred at me making me uncomfortable and started laughing.

"Mommy please stop.  you don't mean this. the drugs are taking over you. " I said crying.  It hurts to see her like this. 

She kneeled down beside me and ran her hands through my long dark brown hair.

" A drugged body speaks a sober mind. " she said then raised her hand and slapped me once again making me cry harder.

She stood up and took one sniff of the powder.

" Sweet dreams. " She turned the lights off and left me there in the dark crying silent cries.

*flashback over*

It actually got worse than that. She sold my body to different people and she started doing meth and popping pills and using needles.

The only thing that kept me sane was my daddy and after he kicked the bucket, I lost all feelings and became the baddest most respected female ever. I wanna accomplish big and one day look up to my daddy and let him know I did this for him.

I felt myself crying and I aint cry since the last time my mama hit me after that I started hitting her back and it turned out to full blown fights. I moved out and started sleeping on public benches and stuff.  Thats how I met Daquan. He and his family helped me off the streets and gave me food. I lived with them until I got out of school and I took it from thea.

me and Daquan connected deeply because his father died soon after mines. He was the most notorious drug dealer in New Orleans. So daquan followed in his footsteps and took the title as king. He aint do it alone, I took it with him as queen .  We learned that being cruel was the only way to make it. We ate crumbs together so we gone eat steak together. If I got it then he got it.

I called Daquan telling him to meet me at the mall. I put on some jeggings and a white sleeveless cropped top and some timberland boots. I put a black and white stripped basketball Jersey over it and wore my hair bone straight with a part in the middle. 



"I'm through with this shit, a nigga stomach boutta touch his back. " Daquan said when we arrived at the 11th store for the day.

" This the last store for the day I promise. "I tried convincing him.

" Hell no Nique. you said that 2 stores ago. " He said.

" pwease. " I said poking my lip out.

" You better be lucky I like you Nique aint nobody else gone put up with yo spoiled ass. " He said walking in the store.

" You just cranky cause you hungry. " I said poking my tounge out making my dimple flex.

" Look at this shirt papi! I love it. " I yelled holding this bra looking shirt.

" You got that same shirt already, don't you think that show too much anyway ma. " he said sitting in a nearby chair.

Our body guards walked in the store, comming off they lunch break. They stood by the door watching people pass by.

" But I want it... " I whined.

" whateva, just don't wear that shit around me. " he said turning his head.

This nigga must think he my daddy.

" Can I help you ma'am. " This worker came up to me.

He wasn't ugly,  in fact . He had long dreads, light skinned. And the prettiest eyes i have ever seen. But he working at body central, his standards aint high enough for me.

" I'm good.  thanks. " I said.

" Well you could help me. " he smiled.

I decided to play along since he had enough balls to talk to me.  I rarely find that.

" With what? " I asked.

" your number. " he said making me laugh.

Before I could reply daquan kindly walked out his seat and made his way ova here.

" I'm sorry bruh, She gay... " He said and linked his arm around mines and walked out.

I still had that shirt in my hand causing the alarm to go off.

" Hey wait! You forgot to pay. " a petite light skinned lady walked over.

We turned around in our tracks to look at her.

" Yes you hoodrats. Yall wasn't smart enough to even take the tags off. Black people get dumber each day. " She said snatching the shirt out my hand.

She soo fuckin lucky we in the mall bruh. Imma find out where she live and spray that bitch up I promise you.

Our bodyguards ran over and stood behind us.

" Bitch you black yo self. " Daquan told her.

" Only on paper. I make too much money to be associating with people like of you. " she said.

" Money? " Daquan asked and looked down at me.  I shrugged and laughed because she dont even know it's ha last day on earth.

One thing led to another and daquan pulled out a stack of hundreds that barely folded and threw it in her face causing her to step back.

Everybody in the store ran over and was grabbing shit like it was black Friday. They left they babies and everything unattended and started snatching the money.

We walked out the store almost arriving to the food court.

"Say black, find out where she live and empty the clip on that bitch. " Daquan told our body guard. 

He nodded and started dialing on his phone.

Daquan wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we watched as black went to his car.

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My Best Friend's, Best Friend (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now