Worst Behaviors

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Unique POV




I opened the door to my house & threw my keys on the counter. I proceeded to walk upstairs but I heard my phone ring, I sighed and dug around in my purse before grabbing my phone.

"hello" I said not even looking at the name.

"Waddup. whatchu doing? " Jay's groggy voice rang through the phone.

" just getting home, I'm so tired."

"aw. so we not cooling today?"

"Yeah. it's up with me. just come by my house." I said walking upstairs.

"ok. imma be there in about 10 minutes."

"ok." I hung up the phone & layer down on my bed.

I sat up & took my shoes off & put some socks on & then I put on some shorts & a tight fitting long sleeve shirt. I tied my hair up in a high bun & went downstairs to sweep the living room.

When I finished I placed the broom back in the closet & then grabbed my phone going to instagram. I scrolled down & seen these Drake posts, they be getting on my nigga so hard. I liked a picture of this girls baby I used to go to school with.

Instagram aint popping, I scrolled down before locking my phone, I saw something that caught my eyes. It was a picture of Daquan & some random. She was biting his cheek while he smiled in the picture. The caption was a heart eye emoji & the key & lock.

I stared at the picture before realizing I had a slight headache. I put 2 and 2 together & realized why it was so easy for him to let me go. Wait he didn't let me go, he replaced me.

I see that this lil cat & mouse game we had going on for a while is over, I wanna move on but there's a little something telling me not to give up. It's only so much a person could take before it's all over & I think I'm reaching my breaking point.

I heard my phone chirp signaling I had a message or notification. It was Jay telling me to open the door.

I walked to the door & opened it & walked back to the couch curling up.

I wasn't really in the mood for nobody right now & I hope he get it or imma just take it out on him.

He closed the door & sat next to me.

It was silent but not the awkward kind. I think this is what I needed at the moment.

He pulled out a blunt & lit it, blowing the grape incense in my face causing me to smirk.

"That was so disrespectful." I smirked.

He closed his eyes & hit the blunt again, blowing it in the air this time.

I grabbed it out his hands and took a drag from it before blowing it back in his face.

He scrounged his nose up. "Damn girl, you been eating booty?"

I laughed & slapped his chest & he grabbed my arm leaving it there. Then he drug it all the way down until my hands were in his pants feeling the warmth.

I smirked & took a puff of the blunt with my other hand and blew it until the air.

After a few more hits the air was filled with grey clouds.

I sat upside down on the sofa & hit the blunt.

I immediately sat up & said my thoughts out loud. "Why when we're upside down our blood rush to our head but when we're standing up it don't go to our feet?"

My Best Friend's, Best Friend (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now