17: Monday, Tuesday

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Betty's POV 

"Baby, you sure?" dad asks, as he's parking in front of the Whyte Wyrm. I nod, not caring about what others will think about my bruises. I need to go to him. He's sent me so many messages, that I haven't been able to answer.

"Okay," he sighs. I wipe my tears away and we both get out of the car.

He puts his arm around my waist, cause then I can walk by myself. Still, slower, but...

They did some tests to me in the hospital. And something is very wrong. It's from the kick into my stomach.

We enter the bar and everyone turns to look at us. They all shut up and look with widened eyes.

I try to avoid everyone, and my head is looking for Juggie.

"Where's Jug?" dad sighs.

And in that moment, he runs to us. He looks at me worriedly and in shock for a second and then spoons my face softly and kisses my forehead.

He pulls me into his arms and holds me tightly, "I saw the video," he whispers into my ear, as I'm hugging him, my face in his neck.

"I wanna kill him," he says, like it's normal. I pull away a little and start laughing, but it hurts so I hold my breath and won't let myself.

"You okay?" he asks, caressing my cheek softly with his thumb.

I shake my head softly, but with a smile. He sighs and wraps me back into his arms and I do the same, snuggling my face into his neck and breathing in his scent.

"Baby, you wanna go home?" dad asks and kisses my hair.

I pull away from Jug and look at him, "Someone promised me a tattoo, remember?" I ask.

He raises his eyebrows, "Not today," he says like it's obvious.

"Tell me one reason, why today isn't as good as any day," I sigh.

"You've gotten enough pain for one day," he says.

I narrow my eyes a little, "I don't fucking care, you promised," I say.

"4, one more and you're grounded," he says.

"Crap," I realize it myself too. Jug starts laughing.

"And you're grounded for a week," FP says, "5 more and you get another," he says.

"What? How?" I whine.

"Crap counts, baby," Jug says and kisses my hair.

I groan and look at dad pleadingly. He smirks and shakes his head, his eyebrows risen up.

I sigh, "Bullshit," I mumble.

He sighs and my eyes widen, realizing tht I said it out.

"Hey, it's better to be grounded while not being able to move. You wouldn't go anywhere anyways," Jug says.

"YOU wouldn't go anywhere anyways. I would," I say. The whole bar is chuckling, cause they're all looking at us.

"I wouldn't let you," he smiles. I narrow my eyes and he kisses my hair.

I sigh and look at dad, "Then at least I wanna get the tattoo," I say.

"No way," he says, "Look at yourself," he says softly, worryingly.

I look down at my bloody clothes and shrug my shoulders which makes everyone laugh.

I lokk back at dad, he's smirking. I look at him with a very sad face, "So you're breaking your promise again.." I say.

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