65: The prom

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A/N! Sorry, that I'm hurrying this up, just I have a few more ideas and this story is already SO LONG!


Betty's POV 

"Betty! Hurry up! I'm sute you look beautiful, don't overthink it! We're getting late again," Toni yells to me. I chuckle.

I take another deep breath and look in to the mirror. Is this really me? I look so beautiful. It's like I'd go to a ball.

No one has seen my dress except for Kev and Fangs and they loved it. And so do I. I thought I hated dresses, but in the last couple of months, I've really started wearing them, even for fun.

I smile at myself in the mirror and go out of the room upstairs the bar, where sre apartments. We are all getting ready in here, cause literally everyone wanted to see us in our suits and dresses.

I slowly go downstairs, kinda nervous about if I maybe am in a too long dress or something.

I go into the bar and everyone turns to look at me. They all look shocked and I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing.

I start becoming kinda anxious, since literally every serpent is staring at me. My eyes are looking for Jug or dad or anyone, who's looks can calm me down.

I see Jug next to the counter with my friends, all in dresses and suits, staeing at me. Jug is smiling so proudly and lovingly, that it makes me smile too.

I walk to them and sigh, stopping in front of him, "Do I look okay?" I ask nervously.

He chuckles, looking at me sweetly, "You look adorable," he says.

I smirk at that... Always adorable in his eyes, "Okay I got that like almost 3 years ago.. Do I look okay? With this dress? Or these too high heels that they made me buy," I say and everyone chuckles.

"You look supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," he says. It's our joke, but it means basically the most wonderdul in the world. We love watching old movies together..

I smile and hug him, my arms going around his neck and his around my waist.

He puts his lips against my ear, "Jokes aside. You look stunning and breathtaking and gorgeous and amazing. And cute," he adds, making me giggle quietly, "I love you," he whispers into my ear.

"Love you too," I whisper back and he kisses my temple before we pull away.

I look at his tux and smile, "You look hot," I say.

He smirks, "Not my style," he says.

I roll my eyes, "Well it should be," I say and peck his lips.

*Time pass*

We get to the prom and dad looks at us with a smirk.

"Are you going to an afterparty?" dad asks.

"No," I say, "Yes," Jug says at the same time.

"What seriously?" we ask in unison and he laughs at us.

"You wanna go?" I ask sadly.

He furrows his eyebrows, "I though you wanted to go," he says.

"We'd just get drunk and throw up.. Plus all the guys are always hitting on me and I hate it," I say, making them chuckle.

"What to you wanna do then?" Jug asks me.

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