36: HAPPY new year (Part 2)

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Betty's POV 

I peck his lips and then turn my head back normally on his chest and climb more close to him.

"What?" he chuckles, starting to fondle my hair.

"I'm cold. It's like 23 degrees (-5°C) outside," I say.

He chuckles and sits up, which leaves me lying down alone. He chuckles at my sad face as he sat up.

He kisses my forehead, "Look at this," he says and stands up. I look at him walking to the door. He closes it and walks to the heater he has in here and turns it on.

"Shouldn't these things need electricity?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Not when you ask one without it from the store," he says.

I raise my eyebrows, "So you've bought this just for this place.. And you don't even know, who owns it," I smirk.

He chuckles and falls back next to me, "Yup," he says.

I smile and wrap my arms back around his torso and put my head on his chest.

"Come here," he says and I look at him. He wants for me to go up so that my face would be in front of him.

"No, I like it," I smile and snuggle my cheek more into his chest.

He chuckles, puts his hands on my waist and pulls me up next to him. I climb back against him and he wraps his arms against me.

He puts our noses together and starts nuzzling them together. I chuckle, enjoying it.

"Since when do you like it?" I ask.

He smiles, "Since you're not doing it anymore. I've missed it," he says and stops. I peck his lips and sit up. He sighs and raises his eyebrows.

I take my coat and scarf and hat off. I put them on the floor next to the bed and push my boots off as well.

He smiles, sits up himself and does the same. Now I'm even more cold, but I don't care, soon it'll be warm in here.

"Do you wanna eat?" I ask Jug.

He chuckles, "Never have to ask me that twice," he says and puts some pillows behind us.

He rests his back against them, against the wall and looks at me, while widening his legs out.

I smile and climb onto his lap. He wraps his arms around me and I kiss his cheek. I pull the bag to us and open it.

I take out the two bottles of cider. I see, that it's some kind of pear cider. I smile and take out the onion rings, fries and one cheeseburger.

He opens the bottles and hands me one while I place the food on the bed next to us, on our right.

He hands me one bottle and we clink them together and both taste it. I smile a little.

"It's like a soda with a little bit of alcohol," I say.

He chuckles and nods, "I prefer the beer," he says and hands his bottle to me.

I chuckle and put it on the bedside table with mine, and he takes his one cup of beer. I unwrap the burger I took out of the bag and take a bite, while his arms are around me.

"I want it too," he says and pulls my back against his stomight. I chuckle and turn my head to look at him.

I put the burger near his mouth and he takes a really big bite. I chuckle and kiss his cheek. I take one bite of it myself and more than half is eaten already.

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