24: Sick (Part 1)

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A/N! Just to make things clear, in the ending of the last chapter, Jug and Betty were talking about having kids. And no, she is not pregnant.

*October 13th*

Jughead's POV

I wake up to Betty moving in my arms every second. I open my eyes, confused. She hasn't had the nightmares or breakdowns for like a week now.

She's just moving in my arms and seems uncomftorable, but she's not up. I also notice that she's hot. Burning up.

I put my hand on her forehead and yeah, she definately has a fever. I sigh and kiss her forehead, which makes her open her eyes and start crying.

I kiss her temple softly, noticing that it's so hot, "Baby, why are you crying?" I ask Betty and start fondling her hair.

"I'm sick," she just cries.

I sigh, "I know. You have a fever," I say, pulling her closer to me.

She sighs and I wipe her tears away and kiss her burning hot forehead.

We have two duvets in our bed, since we're both hugging them always, and then one doesn't have it on. So we always fall asleep under one, and in the middle of the night, the one of us who's naked, takes another one on themselves and we keep cuddling. Right now we're under different ones, but I can see, that she's shaking of cold.

I raise one side of my duvet up with my arm, "Come here," I say and she immediatly climbs against me, wrapped into hers. I put my duvet more on her than to me and then wrap my arms around her, under it.

I kiss her hair as she snuggles her face into my neck. She's still crying a little, and I don't know why, but she seems scared.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"What if I'll throw up," she asks quietly.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What?" I chuckle, "You're sick, it's normal. You're afraid of that?" I ask.

"It always goes into my nose," she says cutely and I chuckle at that.

"You're scared of literally everything baby," I say sadly.

She sighs, "I know."

I kiss her hair, "You fall asleep, I'll be up until you're asleep," I say, fondling her hair and holding her against me tightly.

She nods a little, against my neck, and I keep fondling her hair, feeling her breathing relax, so she's asleep almost immediatly I guess.

I smile sadly. Why is she afraid of these things? I get that it's gross and stuff, but there's no reason to be scared.

I sigh and kiss her hair again, "I'll protect you, don't worry," I say quietly.

Then I rest my head on hers and fall asleep as well.

*Time pass, 6:30AM*

I wake up to my alarm, and close it immediatly. Betty looks up at me with a sad and a tired face and I kiss her forehead three times, moving from left to right.

She doesn't even smile at that. She just snuggles her face back into my neck. I sigh and start fondling her hair.

"Can you stay with me, please?" she asks.

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