48: Pranks

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Betty's POV

"Hey," I say, going into the kitchen woth a smile.

"Morning," dad and JB smile, looking confused, but Jug is just smirking.

I sit down next to him and look at him with a smirk. He looks at me the same way and rolls his eyes, what makes me giggle.

"Okay, what's happening?" Jelly asks.

I smirk and shrug my shoulders, "Nothing. He's mad at me," I say.

"I am not mad at you," Jug sighs with a smirk, "You just have to go to there for two more years.. You can't do that," he chuckles.

"It's the last day of school.. They won't remember it for the first day," I say.

He chuckles, "Baby," he says and turns to face me on his chair now, "What if they'll do something?" he sighs.

I smirk, "Like what? It's the last fay of school, what are they gonna do? Expel me?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes and turns to look at dad now, "Tell her that she shouldn't do it," he says.

"Shouldn't do what?" dad asks.

"Prank like literally everyone," he says. Dad smirks and wants to say something to me.

"Would be easier if you'd help, but you're obviously a mama's boy," I smirk.

He chuckles, "I've never even had a mom," he says.

"Yeah, but you act like one," I say.

"Talks who? A daddy's girl?" he smirks.

I shrug my shoulder's, "That's better at least," I say.

"And who says that?" he asks.

"Everyone who's smart enough to understand," I say.

"Oh yeah?" he smirks.

"Yup," I say and take another bite. He doesn't do anything, so I just look at him with furrowed eyebrows and swallow my bite.

Now that I've done that, he smirks again, pulls me onto his lap and starts tickling me, holding me there.

I start giggling and he puts his hand on my waist on my tickle spot. I grab it with my hand, "Don't you dare," I chuckle.

"Oh I do," he smiles and kisses my cheek, startin to tickle me from there.

I let out a quiet little scream, which makes all of them laugh and Jug keeps tickling me.

In a few minutes he stops and I snuggle my face into his neck, so that the others couldn't see how much I'm smiling and blushing.

He chuckles and wraps his arms around me so tightly and kisses my beanie.

"Everything okay?" dad chuckles and I nod in Juggie's neck.

"Can I sleep or you'll get bad again?" I ask Jug.

He sighs, "Well nothing is going to stop you," he says.

I kiss his neck softly and pull my face out of it. I wanna get off of his lap, but he doesn't let me, "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Um.. Sleeping?" I ask and point on my chair.

"Okay, in that case no, you can't. You either stay here or," he starts, but I already turn my side against his stomach, so he shuts up.

I pull my legs on his lap as well, which makes him smile as I cross them. And I rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses my nose as I close my eyes, which makes me smile big. I still decide to sleep in his neck, so I snuggle my face in there, head still on his shoulder.

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