52: The shoppings 2.0

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Betty's POV         

"Betty, wake up!" Sophie says next to me.

I smile a little and open my tired eyes. She's smiling at me, sitting up on the bed.

"Morning," I say tiredly.

She giggles, "Sleepy," she says.

"Yeah, I'm sleepy," I chuckle, "What's the time?" I ask.

"I don't know," she says like it's obvious.

I smirk and take my phone from the nightstand as she lies back down next to me.

"11. Wow you slept long," I say.

She giggles, her thumb in her mouth. I kiss her forehead and sit up. She follows me and I look at her diaper and sigh.

"Come on, I need to change you," I say, standing up and taking her with me.

She giggles as we leave the room, "What are you giggling at?" I chuckle, entering the office.

She just keeps giggling as I place her on that mat. I sigh and try to do it by myself.

*Time pass, 15 minutes

"Well.. It took longer, but that's okay," I kiss her nose.

She smiles and I let her walk to the couch, where her clothes are.

"Okay, which clothes?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders.

I sigh with a smile and look through them. Most of them are kinda old, but I find a few cute dresses.

I like that one, so I pull it over her head and get her arms in as well

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I like that one, so I pull it over her head and get her arms in as well. I give her a paci and she puts it into her mouth.

She's smiling at me and I scoop her up, "I have no idea, if we should brush your teeth or comb your hair, so let's go to daddy," I say and she nods.

I start walking with her and raise my eyebrows. If I just called my dad daddy, then did she think of him as one too? After one day?

We go downstairs and I place her down. She runs to Jug and he picks her up, putting her to stand on his thighs as he's sitting on the couch. I'm standing on the hallway, looking at them.

"Hey," he says and he does what mentioned before, "What's up?" he asks and kisses her forehead.

I chuckle at that and Sophie puts her arms around his neck and basically falls down, but her arms are holding her up.

Jug chuckles at her, "You're cute," he says.

"Cute," Sophie says with her adorable voice.

"Yeah, cute," Jug says and tickles her a little, which makes her laugh and sit down on his lap.

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