35: HAPPY new year (Part 1)

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Betty's POV

"Stop," I cry while laughing and Sweets finally places me down after like 5 minutes. Everyone in the bar is talking now or something, so no one is paying attention.

"Thank you," I sigh.

They all chuckle at me, "We're kinda late anyways," Toni says.

"Late for..?" Jug asks as I sit next to him on the couch and he puts his arm around me.

"The New Year's eve party? At Cheryl's?" Ronnie says.

Me and Jug both groan, "Guys. She hates us," I say.

"Betty please," Toni sighs.

"Toni, the fact that she's your girlfriend, doesn't make anything better," Jug says and I nod. She sighs.

"No. You two are coming to this party!" Sweets says.

"Yeah you always cancel on the last minute," Kev says.

"No, we always say that we hate parties," I say.

"Like in the beginning," Jug says and I nod.

"Come on. You ARE coming," Fangs says.

"Good luck with that," dad chuckles.

"Your their dad, tell them that they have to come," Ronnie sighs, pleadingly.

"Actually I support the fact that these two aren't getting drunk anywhere," he says.

"No one is getting drunk," Toni says.

"You all are puking and can't even walk, when you get back this morning," I say.

They all groan. Fangs pulls me up from the couch, but I wanna sit back down. I can't cause Kev pulls me into his arms and I sigh as they get Jug up as well.

"We're going on foot in that case," Jug says.

"Yeah!" they all say, happy that he agreed.

I sigh, "I'm still not coming," I say, "Especially if we're going on foot," I say.

"I'll carry you," Kev says.

I chuckle, "I don't wanna go to a party. Especially when there's alcohol. And ESPECIALLY when it's at Cheryl's house," I say.

They all groan, "Betty come oooonn," Ronnie says.

"No," I chuckle sadly.

"You have to.. You never come to parties. Be a teenager it's New Year's Eve," Sweets says.

"Betts, it's gonna be fine," Jug says, raising his eyebrows, and when no one can see, he winks. Okay, he's planning something.

I sigh and jump on Kevin's back. He puts his hands on my thighs and jumps me more up. I chuckle, enjoying being so tall.

"Hey, no drinking," dad says to me and Jug and mom nods.

"We'll be drinking," Fangs says.

"We won't get drunk, don't worry," I say to mom and dad. They nod, but look unsure.

"Really. These two are NEVER getting drunk," Kev says.

*Time pass, 10 minutes*

"So what's going on with you two?" Sweets asks Toni about Cheryl.

She shrugs her shoulders, "She's a bitch with everyone else, but when we're alone, she's so sweet. I mean, she's still the HBIC, but that's what I like about her," she says.

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