Chapter 1

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It's 7:00a.m and I don't feel like getting up to go to school at all. I'm 17 years old and I'm in the 11th grade . I'm patiently waiting on my senior year to finally get here and then it's off to college for me and my boyfriend. I have an amazing boyfriend his name is Chandler Sykes. We're going to CSU together and then live happily ever after. Oh, my name is Kayla Maree Miller by the way. Chan and I have known each other since we were in 2nd grade. We've been a couple since 7th grade and been rocking every since. We are like the couple everyone wants be like and the hotties everyone wants to be with. I have 2 best friends, their names are Star and Wish. They are identical twins but you would swear we were triplets because of how close we are, they are more like my sisters. They aren't black, but you can't tell them their not. They are as hood as hood can get. With a little boogie,fiesty,and sophistication added in all in one. They are super funny but will fuck you up with the quickness if you get on their bad side. We've been bestfriends since 1st grade. We lost one of our childhood best friends and we miss him so much. His death made us even more closer than what we were. As if we could get any closer than what we already are. But it's a few things I hate talking about and our best friend is one of them. I'm still grieving til this day. But, that's a subject for another day, I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it.

I live with my Mom, Yvette Copeland and my stepdad Landon Copeland. Landon married my mom about 5 years ago, which was 2 years after my dad, Antonio Miller, left us for some Latino bitch named Consuela. We haven't heard from him every since, but word is Consuela took him for everything he had and now he's somewhere in another state trying to get back on his feet, good for him though, I hope it works out for him, NOT‼️ Fuck him, he left us high and dry like we didn't mean anything to him. He can jump off the top of a building for all I give a fuck, sorry not sorry.

"Kayla, wake up!"

"I'm woke Ma!"

"Ok now get up! this is just the first day of school this year, suck it up."
"Ha Ha very funny Mom I still have one year after this, so saying that doesn't make it any better."

"Girl please, think about how many more years your little sister has to go and she's only five, now get dressed little woman."

" Ok Mom, thanks for the pep talk."

"Shut the hell up."

I just shook my head and laughed. I love my mom though, she is definitely one of a kind. I wouldn't trade her for nothing in the world. I don't know what Landon and Londyn is going to do with that crazy woman when I leave. "Good Luck Charlie" in my Teddy voice from Disney.

Let me call Chan I know he's up already he has to get up at 6 a.m because of basketball, hell sometimes 5 a.m. More power to him though. I love my babe but Kayla needs all her sleep, you hear me.

"Hey Babe, Good morningggg." I said while yawning.

"What's up wit it bae, Good morning to you too beautiful,  What you doing?"

"Just got through brushing my teeth about to hop in the shower."

"Damn I wish I was there."

"I wish you were too."

" I'm about to hop in the shower too though, I just got done going for a run, me and the fellas."

"Ok send me some pics babe, kisses!"

"Kayla you a lil freaky ass girl."

"But you like it." 

"You know I do."

"Of course you do Chan, now see you in a minute, love you babe!"

" love you too bae."

It's now a twenty minutes after 8 and I have to finish getting ready. It's my day to drive and I'm so geeked. I have a white 2017 challenger, I call her "CoCo, she's my baby, so I have to take great care of her." Star, Wish and I each have our own cars but we take turns riding with each other all the time. We've been doing this same routine since last year. We ride together we die together bad girls for life. We're so lame for stealing that from bad boys but that motto fits us, well in our head it does. Sometimes we ride with our boyfriends maybe twice out the week and the other days we ride with each other.

"Beep!Beep!" As I'm blowing my horn I get a text message that reads as follow:

Text message from Kimberly:

Be at the gym at 11:00a.m we have to discuss what festivities we're doing this year all ideas are welcomed. -chow

I'm not going to that shit. They're going to do what Kim wants anyways when it's all said and done, fuck all that.

Kimberly Chow is our class president and head cheerleader. She is so preppy all the damn time, she works my fucking nerves. I'm the captain of the Drill team/Dance team. Star and Wish are my co captains. We kill it everywhere we go. We're the ones that put Royalty High on the map and the Basketball team, Go Dragons. Our basketball team is undefeated, unlike our football team, hopefully they gone come with it this year. Kim and her preppy ass cheer squad be hating on us tough. They've been like that since 6th grade and they haven't stopped shit yet. It's like where arch enemies of something but on the same team. Odd right? I know. It's 10 of them and 12 of us. We battled each other during the pep rally last year and we straight kilt them hoes. I love to dance and Star and Wish love to dance too. The whole team love showing out everywhere we go. We are the Royal Dream Team. The cheerleaders are the Royal Cheer Squad.

"Kay Kay do u love me are you riding.." The twins started singing in unison walking up to the car. We all fell out laughing when they got inside. "You bitches is lit early this morning huh?" "Turn up Turn down for what bitch!" Wish yelled. "Cut your Bluetooth on I wanna hear my song." Star yelled out. So we pull out the driveway as we're listening to Star favorite song Ice Me Out by Kashdoll.
That girl is crazy over that lady, I'll be glad when she meet her one day, she's all she wants to listen to,  she swear kash doll is her soul sister. So we pull up at school and it's lit, looking like a scene from The movie School Dance. So we all get out and soon as we step foot on campus all eyes were on us. We walked past a group of girls staring and Star says "Damn bitch take a picture it'll last longer." We all laughed.

"Bitch I can't stand you!" I told Star shaking my head laughing. "Bitch don't make us whoop nobody ass on the first day, because I'll pop a bitch who got anything sassy to say." Wish said out loud. "Bitch they already know what's up, they don't want no smoke." I told Wish as we passed by another group of girls staring. We make it to our table and the first person I see is my man. Along with him is Chad, Devin, and Zay. Chad is Stars boyfriend and Zay is Wish's boyfriend. Devin is Chan's older brother, he's the senior Captain of the Football team and he's the plug. Devin got hoes for days, these hoes stay fighting over him. I couldn't fuck with a picture of it because Chan know I'll fuck his whole world up playing with me like that.

"What's up wit it thug misses!" Devin yells out. "Hey Devin." We all said in unison."What's up Chad and Zay." We all just standing around outside boo'd up before class as always. Then the bell rings.

"SQUAD!!!!!!!" I scream out loud before we go to class and they all say in unison "YOU KNOW!!!!" Royal High show us a good time this year.


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