4. The Truth

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Seth's POV

It's been a week since Daniella and I hanged out, I already been told the pack about her father's death and why she moved here with her mother so I told Sam that I can't tell Daniella the truth about me because it gonna get her more stress and I didn't want hurt her feeling or something so I decided to stay secret for little while until if I ever be ready.

The pack decided to go for a run in woods so I went join them and phased then run in the woods and I heard the pack talking each other in mind since we in wolves form.

Guys! I smelled a vampire! Jared shouted.

Lead the way and we will follow you! Sam barked.

Then I felt sharp pain in my arm... I yelp in pain and rolling on floor, trying to hold my arm but I couldn't, I'm not in human form that why plus I can't just turn into human or I will be naked. I watched the pack hover me round circle and barked lots.

I think Daniella is hurt I whine.

Jared! Again, lead the way and I think that vampire is might be with her Sam ordered.

We kept running until we smelled blood but not lots... We decided to hide or there won't be a trap for us, I take look closer until I saw a vampire smirking at Daniella?! And she got blood on her arm that she was holding it to stop the bleeding.

We need to save her I whine making sound worried.

Not yet... It too risk Sam ordered.


Seth, shut up! Listen to him Leah hissed in quietly.

I watched a vampire about to jump on Daniella but then suddenly... Daniella just waved her left hand and there bright colour coming out of her hand and shoot toward to a vampire that sending him flying backward then Daniella again waved her hand but this time it a fire and shoot to a vampire, sending him on fire with screaming out of him.
Who the hell is she? How did she do it? But she isn't a vampire? Is she even human?

I watched the pack jump out and surrounded Daniella, I jump out quickly but not too fast. I saw the pack went behind trees and turn back to human form... But naked.
"Uh..." Daniella said turn round quickly, I heard chuckles coming from Paul and Quil.
Sam look at me like he is waiting for me to turn back human but I can't... Not yet. I walk behind tree and sighs then turn back human and pop my head out at them, not showing my naked body to Daniella since she is my imprint and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable... Once she saw me with shocked I look down, not looking in her eyes.
"What are you?" Sam asked I look up to Daniella and she was already stare at me.

"A witch..."

Seth's Imprint (Twilight Fanfic) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now