6. Carlisle Cullen

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Daniella's POV

Cullen sound so familiar because my mother and I met a man named Carlisle Cullen, I knew he a vampire because I saw him feed off animal once but I wasn't sure if it was him because all I saw is blonde and curly hair... I couldn't get a good look at his face.
This was happened when I moved in and I went to for a walk in the wood, that how I saw him but I wasn't sure if it was 100% him. But my mother and I definitely met Carlisle a while back when we were travel all over the world, away from the Volturi.

"I didn't get your name, Mrs..." Sam paused I look at my mother, who smile back.
"Margaret Rowan, People call me Mars for short." Mom said, I look at boys and Leah who seem confused when my mother mention 'Mars' I start to laugh.
"Why Mars?" Jared asked.
"No ideas, it just happened." Mom said smile.
"Like I told your daughter that I promise we will never tell anyone and don't worry about the Volturi, we can protect you and Daniella." Sam said, "I can take you two to meet the Cullen and I'm sure they will help you because they met them before." I watched my mother nodded and thanked Sam for helping and not to tell anyone.
"We must get going now." Sam said we nodded as they all leave the house expect Seth, after they leave my house and Seth just stare at me for few seconds before to speak...
"Can we talk?" He asked I nodded and look at my mother who just about to leave to go living room while Seth and I in kitchen room, "well, there something I got tell you." He said I nodded, "before I say something but just let you know that werewolves can't control themselves very often..." He paused to make sure I was listen carefully, "do you know what imprint mean?" He asked I nodded he seem surprised, I smile... "Well uh... Um..." He seem struggled to say something but I think I know what he trying to say.
"That you imprinted on me." I said he seem shocked but then nodded, "it's fine."
"Really?" He asked I nodded, he just quickly kissed on my cheek and leave house.


Next day...

Thankful it's weekend, but the pack are coming over to get me and my mom to visit at the Cullen place, my mother seem happy to meet them well I was guessing that she is more exciting to meet Carlisle. I think she got a crush on Carlisle or something but sadly I knew he got a mate, Esme Cullen and already adopted five children Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper but I never met six others people than Carlisle.

Few minutes later...

We have arrived at the Cullen place, Sam knocked in the door and there open door... There stood young girl with pixie hair. "I already knew you were coming. Come in." She said let us in, "she expecting to see us?" I asked curious to Jacob who was on my left side... He chuckles, "she got a gift, she can see the future." He said oh that make sense.
"I'm Alice by the way!" She said jumping while walking to some room I assume living room, "is she crazy or what?" I asked I heard laugh coming from living room.
"Mars and Dani, it finally to see you again." Carlisle said hugged us, "this is Esme, my mate." A lady walked to us and give us a hug, "hi I'm Esme it lovely to meet you, you have a beautiful daughter." Esme said to my mom who smile back at her.
"I'm Emmett and this is my mate Rosalie." Emmett said, Rosalie seem grumpy, I heard laugh again, same person so I look round to see tall boy look about 17, can you read my mind? He just nodded, hmm read minder... He chuckles, "I'm Edward." He said.

So, I have met another boy in Carlisle's family, who happens to be Jasper... His hair that remind me of someone I saw in the woods was feeding off animals so it was Jasper.

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