26. Godmothers and Godfathers

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A week later...

Daniella's POV

It's been a week since the birth of triplets, Damion, Harriet and Savannah Clearwater... They're a week old now and they're so adorable! Their hair had grown little, black hair, their eyes are brown and even their skin are just like Leah's, they're look so beautiful, stunning and I couldn't get words out it like I'm speechless or something but it just... They're so beautiful I ever seen. We've been helping Leah with triplets since they were born, I always came to see triplets almost everyday because I love them so much and Leah doesn't seem bother about it so it's good. Seth knew I love kids but he always respect my choices, he will wait until I'm ready. It's not like I want kids now because I kept seeing triplets, because they're basically my nephew and nieces if Seth and I ever married plus Leah says I always be their aunt no matter what because she's like a sister to me that why.

The Cullen haven't decided to listen my cousin's story of what happened to her since she became a vampire, I haven't heard either but we were helping triplets except Diego and Bree who couldn't come to help since he had to keep eye on Bree because she haven't tried feed off animals yet. Plus they never see triplets either but they will one day once Bree control first.

I was surprised to heard from Leah that she invited the family including me and the Cullen as well to visit her house as she needed to tell us something, I can't wait to hear news what she want to say but she sound like nervous and excited mix.

Sue decided we should go over at Leah's to help her with triplets like dress them up if we having guests which is us and the Cullen but she want to go early so we all went.

Once we arrive at Leah's house, we all walked in to see Leah carried Harriet in her while crying Damion in his cot and Savannah in her cot, playing with her teddy. Leah seem struggle because she was feeding bottle to Harriet and Damion was crying in his cot. Sue went to pick him up and coos him before get bottle off table to feed him. This may be seem madhouse for Leah but I don't blame that, she just given birth to three babies on same day and it already went crazy for her. Leah put down Harriet in her cot as Leah pick up other daughter of hers to feed her.

Charlie sat down in living room with Seth as I goes in kitchen with girls and triplets that already in kitchen room.

"Three babies... And I'm already insane!" Leah sighs and put down Savannah in her cot after fed her.

"Hey, sweetie. You're not insane, you just tired that all, I mean you just given birth to three babies on same day a week ago. You're exhausted." Sue said Leah sighs again, she does seem exhausted raising her kids all alone but never alone as she got us.

"She's right, Leah." I said she nodded and walk toward to fridge to get her own drink.

Half hour later...

I heard knock on the door as Seth went open it since he's nearly. Jacob walked in with the pack that I didn't know was coming as well. Finally, Leah told me that the pack should see triplets since they never met her kids at all that why but that isn't reason why she invited the Cullen, her family and me to come over for a dinner that I also didn't know we stopped for a dinner as well. The pack loves triplets already and they couldn't leave them, it like they want to protect them from anyone or dangerous anything like that which is cute but Leah was glad. She never ever invite Sam to see kids that he doesn't deserve to see them. I'm worried, one day he might come.

Another half hour later...

The Cullen has arrived, Rosalie doesn't care about anyone but took Harriet in her arms and cuddles. Leah smile at them both and how they're bonded already so quickly, that doesn't made Leah jealous, she knew how much Rosalie love kids.

"So, everyone is here. What is it you need to tell us?" Seth asked curious.

"Well, you know there's dangerous round here, especially the newborn army but if anything happens to us and I invited you all here is because I was going to ask some of you to be triplets godmother and godfather." Leah said, there few silence gasps and some seem shocked and surprised.

"I understand." Sue said nodded.

"Did you decide who you want to be triplets godparents or whatever?" Jasper asked, Leah nodded.

"I want Dani and Seth to be Savannah's godparents." Leah said, I felt tears fell down and smile.

"Of course." I said look at Seth who smile and nodded as he agreed.

"Rosalie and Emmett to be Harriet's godparents." Leah said Rosalie who seem wish to cry but hugged Leah with one arm as possibly as she got Harriet in her other arm.

"Thank you!" Rosalie said smile for first time, that was real smile. Emmett seem happy for his wife who happily to have goddaughter.

"Jacob, I know you don't have imprint or girlfriend whatever but I want you to be Damion's godfather." Leah said I smile as Jacob pull her into a hug.

"Congratulations everyone who became godfathers and godmothers." Esme said smile at the godparents.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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