22. Diego

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A month later... (May)

Daniella's POV

Seth invited me to stay at his place for sleepover, since his mother is out on date with Charlie and Bella stayed at home with Jacob to hang out and I will be stay with Seth in his room. Seth living at Charlie's since Leah got a house and she need it to herself and her kids so that why, he got new room in basement which he is okay with that. Leah is nearly closer to have babies soon, she is 7 months pregnant now. She already got names for her kids but won't tell anyone including family until they born, I hope it nice.

I already at Charlie's house, I'm in Seth room, we both cuddle and watch Netflix that is our most favourite we ever had, cuddles in bed and watch films on Netflix. I heard Bella said bye to Jacob since he isn't gonna be stay that long as he got patrol tonight.

Then I heard whoosh noise, I guess Edward is here with Bella.

"Edward, what are you doing? What wrong?"  I heard Bella says, I'm so confused what is going on? I look at Seth who was trying to listen to Bella and Edward conversation.

"A vampire was here last night. I can smell scent but I don't know who it is?" I heard Edward said, now I'm worried because there was stranger vampire here last night but that doesn't sound good.

Then door opened, Edward walked in with Bella, "come on, we need to go at my place and talk about this." Edward said we nodded as we get ready and went to his car, we got in backseats.


I just Leah is okay alone at home, "newborn?" Emmett asked.

"Maybe." Edward said.

"But why at Bella's place? Charlie and Sue obviously is there but why didn't this newborn vampire kill them?" Rosalie asked.

"Maybe he/she isn't newborn vampire." Alice said.

"Unless..." Edward paused.

"Unless what?" Esme asked.

"Someone working for them." Edward said, okay that is sound worse.

"The Volturi?" I asked.

"Maybe but why?" Edward asked.

"Maybe they after Dani." Rosalie said, Seth grabbed my hand in worried.

"But they didn't go at her place?" Carlisle said.

"Bella didn't do anything to them?" Edward said sighs and held Bella hand.

Suddenly, there was noise outside, everyone stand up in alert and prepare to see what's out there?

"Bella and Dani, stay here." Carlisle said as they all went outside while Bella and I stayed inside for protection.


Seth's POV

I turned into wolf form, growling to see what's out there. The Cullen stand on both of my sides.

"Who's out there?!" Carlisle shouted.

Then I heard rusting noise and there stand a vampire, red eyes, I growl louder.

"Why are you here? Did Aro send you?!" Carlisle said.

"Aro? Who the hell is Aro?" The boy said sound confused, he doesn't who is Aro? Does that he didn't send the boy after Bella?

"Why are you here then?" Carlisle asked once he calm.

"I escaped the army, new army." The boy said, army?

"Are you newborn vampire? Were you recently turned?" Esme asked the boy nodded.

"Almost a year." The boy said.

"He's 11 months old vampire." Edward said informed us.

"How the hell did you know?" The boy asked sound surprised.

"I can read mind." Edward said.

"Oh okay."

"Who created you?" Esme asked.

"Victoria." The boy said the Cullen froze, I knew who is Victoria? I think I know why she send some vampire after Bella is because the Cullen killed her soulmate, James.

"What's your name?" Esme asked this time sweetly, in kind way.

"Diego." The boy said, "I can't remember my life before I was turned and I don't remember my last name." He added, poor him that he doesn't remember anything in his life.

"Don't worry. Let get inside so you can tell us a story." Carlisle said.

Seth's Imprint (Twilight Fanfic) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now