9. Where Is My Mother?

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Daniella's POV

After I linked my arm wrapped round Seth's as we walked out of house to Sue's car, she seem in tears when she saw me, I start to blushing and look at Seth who smile back.
Once we got inside car, backseat as usual... She drove to one of restaurant and dropped us off there, we waited she leave... "Let's go inside shall we?" Seth asked I nodded.

We walked inside restaurant, the waiter was already stand by door and took us to private room, I look at Seth and raised my eyebrow... "We've a private room?" I asked, he nodded as he move chair so I could sit down before he sat his own chair across me.
"Yeah, I mean we're young teenagers going on a date... You know people could stare and I thought we should have a private room, my mom already booked for us." He said.

"That's nice of her." I said smile and he smile back, I couldn't stop staring at him because he is so much cute, even when he blushing like me was definitely cute. I was glad that I'm his imprint, because I'm already start to like him... In loving way.

"What could you like to eat?" Seth asked look up at me from menu flyer in his hand, "oh, um..." I quickly look down, I heard him chuckles... I hope he did not caught me.
"I like to have a salad and beef, please." I said didn't look up because I felt embarrassed myself of what happened just minute ago, I felt someone touch my right hand on table. I slowly look up at him, "I can hear your heart beating fast and don't be embarrassed yourself, it's kinda cute." He admitted, I laugh little and stare him in eyes for a second.

"Ready to order?" I heard the waiter spoke, I quickly move my hand away from Seth that he was holding my hand... He cleared his thoat, "we like to have salad and beef please." Seth said, I was curious why he having same what I'm having, hmm?
"Okay, what about drinks?" The waiter asked again, "I like to have a water please." Seth said the waiter look at me waiting for my reply, "I like to have a coke please." I said.

After the waiter left us alone again, "what make you want to on date with me?" Seth asked out of all sudden, I was lost for words... Reason why, I like him but I couldn't say that in his face straight away so I don't know what to say to him, it's so difficult.
"Um... I don't really know, I just lost in mind." I said unsure what to say but I hope that he won't say anything else. "It's alright, I get it. You're surprised." He said I smile.

"Yeah that probably reason." I said giggles, then he laugh and hold my same hand again like before, he smile that make me get butterflies in stomach.

"Did anyone ever say you're beautiful?" Seth asked, I smile and look down.

"You just did, twice actually." I said he chuckles and rubbing his back of neck with left hand while his right hand still holding mine.

"I can't stop looking at you, I just to say you're beautiful everyday." He said I stiff in laugh.

"You can look at anytime you want but please don't call me beautiful or else I'm gonna be red by then." We both burst out laughing.

Few minutes later...

The waiter came with plates of foods, "enjoy your foods." The waiter left, Seth and I began eating foods...

Few minutes later again...

Once we finished our foods and it's almost 10:00pm, we decided we should go home now before my mother could get worried, he called his mother to come over pick us up.
While we waiting, it seem there bad traffic tonight so we decided to talk while we waiting outside, Seth look at me and smile... I start to shiver a little, I saw Seth taking off his jacket and put it on me, "thanks." I said making sound like I apologise, why didn't Alice gave me one tonight? I hope she didn't see the future like right now.

"Did I ever say you're beautiful?" Seth asked I laugh and nodded, "Third times and I told you not to call me that." I said he's gone redder in embarrassing which was cute.

"You're cute..." I giggles and look down, until he lift my chin back up to look at him, he was slowly leaning in as I did the same... We suddenly kissed, I felt his arms wrapped round my waist, pull me closer to him, kissing him hard a little before we're interrupt by horns.

"Sorry to interrupt but hurry up, we're gonna be struck in traffic all night if you don't move on now.' Sue said as we quickly get in back seats then she start to drive away.


We arrived at my place, my house lights are off... My mother probably gone to bed.
"Will you be okay going in?" Sue asked almost sound worried, I noticed Seth is worried, more than his mother I mean I'm his imprint, he has to right to worried for me.
"Yeah, she probably gone to bed early, she got early work in morning again, that remind me... She wonder if you could give me a lift to school?" I asked she smile and nodded.
"See you tomorrow." Seth said kissed on my cheek this time as I got out of car.

I walk inside after Sue leave, I decided not to wake my mom up... I slowly take heel shoes off and walk quietly upstairs, I take a peak in my mom room to check on her in case she may be reading book or something but I find her nothing in bed, strange.

I open bathroom but find nothing here either, I walk in my room to find no mom.
I pull out my phone and start to ring mom but I heard...




I turn round to find a phone on floor with crack screen which she never got them before, where is my mother?

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