10. Missing

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If I made mistakes date or something but sorry about that.
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Daniella's POV

Where the hell is she? I picked up my mother phone to take look at it, it's been smashed. "MOM! Where are you?!" I shouted in case she still here or not. But I get no answer from her or anyone else, I decided I should go at the Cullen house in case she might be hurt so Carlisle could fix her up. I quickly changed in sport clothes before leaving house and run to The Cullen house as fast as I can.

Once I'm arrived there, everyone was already outside... They must have heard me running or Alice has a vision, "my mom isn't at house and her phone has been smashed." I said panting, Esme walk toward me and hugged me tightly.

"Come on inside." She said we walk inside with everyone followed us.

"Alice, why don't you take her to your room and sleep while we all go find Mars?" Esme said Alice nodded and lead me to her room, but I bet I won't able to sleep until I need to know that my mother is alive or not.


I'm on bed but sit up and stare on floor, alone. Everyone has gone out to find my mother and see if they can catch her scent or someone else. I heard door open, they must be back... I heard Alice bedroom door open, I look up to see the pack.

"They want us to keep eyes on you in case someone might take you too." Sam said.

Seth sat next to me and hugged me tightly, the pack went sat on floor in front of me.
"You should sleep." Jacob said I shaking my head, "I can't, not until I know she is safe." I said, "what if they can't find her?" Paul asked get earn hit from Quil, "Ow!"

"You shouldn't say that question." Quil said.

"She won't be happy if you don't sleep." Sam said.

"I'm worried about her! I can't sleep if I'm worrying about her!" I shouted, they all see shocked I snapped at them.

"Okay I understand, just calm down." Sam said.

"Never tell me to bloody calm down!" I stormed to bathroom and locked door.

Seth's POV

I get it, she just upset about her mother I mean she already list her father and now she may be losing her mother too, now she locked herself in bathroom away from us.
I was hoping the Cullen come back WITH Margaret could be best but if not then, she probably stay in bathroom forever or never go sleep again, possibly not eating.
I'm worried about her health honestly, I heard door open... I stiff the scents and closed my eyes in sighs, they have not found Margaret. I heard they walking to us and open the door, "she's in bathroom, locking herself in." Sam said, Esme walk toward to bathroom door, "Dani, sweetie. Why don't you come out?" She asked nicer if she can possibly.

"No!" We heard sobbing in bathroom.

"Thank you for looking after her, I think you all should go home and let us deal with this." Carlisle said the pack nodded in agreement I guess.

"Come on Seth, you can see her tomorrow if she feel up to." Sam said I sigh.


Next day...

No one's POV

Daniella woke up with brightness in her eyes, she's groan and rubbing her eyes before get out of bed. She walked downstairs to see everyone was making a poster missing.

"Good morning, could you like to have breakfast?" Esme asked.

"No I'm not hungry." Daniella said, "I'm going for a walk." She added.

"Okay Emm-" She interrupted Carlisle.

"Alone." She said walk out the door.

"Alice, is it safe?" Jasper asked.

"Yes, she will see Seth in 5 minutes." Alice said.

Seth's Imprint (Twilight Fanfic) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now