Chapter Two

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November 28

"Ugh," I groaned as my alarm blared in my ear.

I smacked the snooze button, and rolled over onto my stomach.

Oh, sorry, good morning.

I leaped out of bed, and pulled up my computer.

I'm home-schooled, in case you didn't know. Online school, it's GREAT.

Anyway, I logged onto my school website, Edio, and pulled up my calendar.

I scanned my items for the day.

"Alright, Pre Algebra at 10, Biology at 12, History and English on my own. Cool. Oh, shit."

I had completely forgotten to do my lessons from yesterday. I had gone on a field trip, and was exhausted, so I'd rested and forgotten about school.

I was so dead.

I had some time to kill before Pre Algebra, so I threw on my plaid fuzzy pants (which Charlie claims are ugly and belong in hell, but what does he know?) and made my way downstairs.

"Morning, Ophelia," my mom said, a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Mmm, morning mom. Charlie up yet? He's overdue in his biology lab."

My six-year old brother ran into the kitchen, running in a circle around my legs.

"FIFI YOU'RE HOME I WAS ASLEEP WHEN YOU CAME HOME!!!" my little brother Samuel, Sammy for short, shouted at the top of his lungs.

I giggled, and ruffled his hair as he slowed down.

"Morning, Sammy." I smiled.

"Ophelia, Charlie ran out on his bike to get some cereal, he isn't back yet. I'm gonna need you to keep an eye of Sammy until like 9:50."

"Um, sure. I can read my book for English while I do that."

"Great. Thanks, sweetie!"

My mom, Kiera Patterson, walked out of the room.

My mom is the BEST mom in the entire world.

She's super supportive of dance, and helpful with school, and really kind and funny.

Ellise says that my mom is her dance mom.

Anyway, I herded Sammy into the living room, and picked up the remote.

"OK, Sammy, do you want me to put on some cartoons?"

"NO!" Sammy shouted as he ran around the living room. He ran into the coffee table, and fell onto the ground. He started laughing, and spinning in a circle on the floor.

"Um, non-cartoons?" I asked, distracted by his craziness.


I sighed. This morning was gonna be SO much fun.



It was 9:50, and my mom had just come down the steps.

"Thanks, sweetie. Alright, run upstairs and start on school. Long day you've got today."

I nodded, and walked into the hallway, and ran SMACK into Arthur.

"Art, you should be at school right now." I whispered.

"I know, I overslept. Ah, shit my teachers are gonna KILL me!"

Arthur, unlike Charlie and I, went to the local high-school. He didn't usually sleep in. He probably slept through his alarm.

"Arthur," I said, my voice rising a little. "Did you sleep through your alarm again?"

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