Chapter Four

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December 1


I am so! Excited!

I hopped out of bed, and ran next door into Charlies room. 

"GET UP!" I shouted, making him jump. 

"Bah! Geez, you scared me!"


"Shove off, Filia."

I stuck my tongue out at him as he shoved his head under his pillow. 

I went back into my room, and threw on some sweats and a random shirt. 

I took the stairs two at a time, and hopped onto the landing. 

"Morning, Art," I said as I entered the kitchen. 

"Mmm hm," was his response. 

"Listen, I need you to drive me to dance this morning, can we leave like 9:45?"

"Sure. Eat something though."

I grabbed a bowl, dumped some cereal into it, and then poured some milk into it. 

I sat down and grabbed a book that was laying on the table, Tuesdays At the Castle. 

After I finished eating, I washed my bowl, and went into the hallway. 

"Ready?" Arthur asked, grabbing the keys to his car. 

"Yep," I said as I pulled my fuzzy boots on. 

We went outside into the freezing cold, and got into the car. 

"What do you have today, ballet?" Arthur asked as we left our neighborhood. 

"Yea, with Nolen. I'm just gonna watch Netflix the rest of the day."


We drove in silence, until he pulled up at the studio, saying, "Bye, Filia. Have fun."

"Hah, fun...that's cute."

The class Nolen teaches had just ended, and I put my stuff down and put my ballet shoes on. 

"Hey," Nolen said, putting his tap shoes away. 

"Hey. How was class?"

"Good. The kids are so cute. We should probably go stretch. Miss Karoline will get mad if we don't."

"True," I agreed, walking towards Studio B. 

"Morning, Nolen, Ophelia..." Miss Karoline said, waltzing into the room. 

"Morning." We said in unison. 

"Feet in first, start with the normal set of plies."

Nolen and I put our feet in first (heels together, feet turned out) and started after the music began. 

"Demi plie, straighten. Demi plie straighten."

And so on. Left side and right side. 

"Good. Tondues. Same combination."

We did our tondues (pointing our feet to the front, side and back, working on pointed feet) as Miss Karoline cleaned out the back room. 

"Wow, this room is a mess!" we heard her say. 

"Need some help?" I asked after we had finished our tondues. 

"Yea, thanks."

Nolen and I walked away from the barre, and went into the back room to pick up dresses, hang them up, and make it somewhat neat. 

"So," I asked as I hung up a green dress. "How's school?"

"Good," he replied. "You?"


I found a pair of pants, and threw them onto the bench in the back. "I'm claiming those," I said. Nolen laughed.

"Oh, hey, my hat!" I heard Nolen say, tossing me this green hat from McDonalds.

"Nice?" I laughed. 

We worked the rest of the morning, small conversations happening as we cleaned. 


"Ophelia? You here?"

"Back here, mom!" I shouted. 

Mom walked down the hallway, and said hi to Miss Katherine and Nolen. 

"You about ready to go?" she asked. 

"Almost, I've just got to grab my stuff."

I left the back room, lugging with me some stuff I had found. (A hoodie, a few pants, a shirt, a headband...don't call me a kleptomaniac, the stuff had clearly been there for YEARS)

Anyway, mom and I left, and we started heading home. 

"How was class?" she asked as I found some music on YouTube. 

"Good, we did warm-ups and then helped Miss Katherine clean up the back."


We listened to music, and pulled into the driveway like ten minutes later. 

I raced upstairs the SECOND mom unlocked the front door. 

I sighed, and melted to the floor. 

I opened up my computer and pulled up Netflix. 

"Time for Switched at Birth....." I muttered to myself. 

I clicked on the tab to continue watching, and settled into some blankets that were thrown around the floor. 


Hello! Shorter chapter, nothing really happened much that day, so very short chapter....

Anyway, here's a fun question: do you put milk in and then cereal, or cereal then milk? I do the second one. 

I will NOT be writing about Dec 2nd, or at all on the weekend of Dec 7th-9th, due to a show I am in. 

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, some will be way shorter and some will be way longer.  Depending on the time I have, I'll see what I can do. Also, since this is like a diary thing, like recording what happens, I may not do every single day. 

Vote, comment and follow!


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