Chapter Six

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December 4

I woke up with IMMENSE pain in my right side. 

'Shit.' I thought to myself as I sat up, clutching my right side. 

"MOM!" I shouted, and I heard feet in the hall.

"What's up?"

"My right side is still hurting." I said, grimacing in pain. It was hurting a lot yesterday too, but I didn't mention it because I wasn't worried. Now I am....

"Oh,, go change into clothes." She threw me sweatpants and a shirt that were laying on my floor.


"I'll take you to the ER to make sure it's nothing serious."

"Fine..." I trudged to the bathroom, wincing as my side throbbed. 

"Ready." I said moodily, walking down the steps in these peppy, pink and grey clothes.


I heard a groan, and a weak "Yes, ma'am" as a reply. 

We went outside and got into the car, and started towards the ER.

After about ten minutes, my mom parked the car, and we walked inside to get checked in and everything. 

I'll save you from the boredom of all of that, and skip to my blood-work. 

SUCH fun. 

I had finally found F.R.I.E.N.D.S on TBS, and was just getting comfortable when this nurse person walked in with a cart with needles. 

He pulled up a spinny stool thing, and started prepping my arm for blood-work. 

"What's that for?" I asked, pointing to this wand thing he was rubbing on my arm. It had a cold liquid coming off of it. 

"Just like rubbing alcohol to prep your arm."

I kept quiet after that, watching him get ready to stick a needle in my arm. 

"OK, ready?" he asked, holding up the needle. 

"Yea, sure." I kept an eye as the needle entered where my vein was, and I felt a sharp pain. My face contorted in pain, but it was really cool to watch the blood-work going on. 

"Alright, you're all done. I'll come back in a bit to take you back for you're X-ray."

"Thanks," my mom said as he left. 

I unmuted the TV, turning the laughter of F.R.I.E.N.D.S back on. 

It had been a few hours later when the doctor came in. 

"OK, we got the lab results back. You have a stomach virus."

First thing out of my mouth: "Is it contagious?" 

I just HAD to know if I could go to dance tonight. 

"Well, only orally, but I don't think you'll be licking anyone on the face..."

I laughed, shaking my head. 

Then came the news. 

"You will be able to watch dance tonight, but take it very easy. Nothing to much."

I just stared at her. 'She's kidding, right?'  I thought to myself. 

After that, she left, and I just sat there, looking at my mom. 

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