Chapter Ten

18 1 11

December 21

The last few days had been brutal. 

My legs had not worked in DAYS, I missed Jazz Tech, and I could barely feel anything below my knees. 

It was Friday morning, and I looked at the clock at I yawned and stretched. 

9:45 AM. I had math in fifteen minutes. 

I really didn't care right now. I grabbed my phone, and opened up a game. 

"Filia, time to get up," mom said, coming into the living room. 

"Yea, Filia, time to get up." Arthur said annoyingly from his seat on the red chair. 

"Haha, you're SO funny. Why are you watching Today? You don't strike me as a guy who likes that show."

Arthur shrugged, and went back to watching the talk show. 

I sighed, and said, "Mom, can you help me up?" 

Mom came over, helped me stand up, and I hobbled into the dining room. I crashed onto my grandmoms bed for when she stayed the night here, and opened my laptop. 

"OK. Lots to do, lots to do." I muttered to myself, looking through my overdue lessons. 

I clicked on my biology overdue, about DNA. Before that, though, I opened up Wattpad, and logged on.

I went onto this joint account between Robin and myself, we were writing a story together. 

Then, I opened up this Google Document, and called Robin. 

"Hello?" I heard her voice chime from the other end. 

"Robin, hey. OK, so I'm thinking we write down the characters names and such onto this Google Docs, I'll share it with you."

"Cool. I'll open up another for a character sheet, too."

"Just for the main ones."


We worked, chatting about what we wanted in our book, talked about Christmas, about a lot of random stuff. 

We were very random people. 

Anyway, we had listed all of the characters onto the one Doc, titled Random. We had completed the twelve main character sheets, titled....well, Character Sheets. 

Robin had started connecting the dots between people, making family trees on another Doc. 

We worked for three hours, and I completed two of my Biology DNA lessons at the same time. 

How awesome were we?! 

Around 2:30, I had to go, so I said my goodbye's to Robin, and hung up. 

I logged onto my actual Wattpad account, and started reading a new fanfic. 

I really had nothing to do today, so I relaxed as much as I could, until Charlie came home from baseball and ruined my peace and quiet. 


WOO! Friday was coming to a close, and I decided to get dressed for dance. 

I was sitting in on an Irish class, since I missed Wednesday's Jazz Tech. 

I put on something other than fuzzy pants and a sports bra, threw some boots on, and shouted for Arthur to drive me. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I heard him tromp down the steps, grab his keys, and say, "Well, let's go."

I skipped out the door, into darkness. 

Isn't winter just great? 

We got into his punch-buggy, and drove off in awkward silence. 

Finally, that ended. We pulled up at the studio, and I hopped out. "Bye, thanks for driving me. Can you pick me up at 7:15?"


I grinned, and opened the door. 

I walked into the back, and said, "Hey, Cam. Noelle here yet?"

"I dunno," was her response. 

As usual. 

I chilled for a bit, and then say Noelle walk in the front door. 

"Noelle! NOELLE!" I shouted, making her jump. 

"Hey! What's up?" 

"Catch!" I tossed her the gift of socks, and she barely caught it. We burst into giggles. 

I saw the Irish teacher come in, and Camilla and Noelle walked into the studio, among other people. 

I sat down on the floor, ready to watch and laugh at my friends, since my legs weren't exactly great.

They warmed up, and the teacher made them do all sorts of steps to Christmas songs. 

It was pretty cool. 

An hour later, class ended, and I grabbed my stuff, said goodbye, and walked out to Arthur's punch-buggy. 

I sighed, and leaned my head on the head rest thing on the seat. I closed my eyes, and waited to get home.


HEY YA'LL! Sorry this chapter's SUPER short, have a lot of drama in my life right now, a friend of mine (Camilla in this book) aren't talking for right now (long story) and another of my friends isn't really my friend (longer story) which is ANNOYING!!!

*crickets chirping at my inbox*

ANYWAY, how's your life, cuz mine sucks. If anyone wants to trade, let me know! Lol

Also this one's short because I kind of forget what happened that day HAH I suck. 

Love you all!

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