Chapter Eleven

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January 1


Happy New Year, and now IT'S JANUARY! My birthday month! 

I'm a lil excited, haha. 

I woke up, and smiled. Last night had been a LOT of fun. I'd spent New Years Eve with my neighbors, playing Uno and Monopoly, watching a funny movie with Jennifer Aniston in it. 

I ran over to our still up Christmas tree, and grabbed the Harry Potter Pop! Advent Calendar I had gotten. 

My mom walked downstairs, followed by my grandmom entering the house with a, "Good morning!"

"OK. I'm opening Day 1, sit down, please."

They sat. 

I opened up Day 1. "Oh my gosh, its Harry Potter!"

It was so cool. It had the lightning scar and everything. 

I had nothing really to do that day, so I caught up on some overdue History classes, a few math's, and then I called Robin. 

"Hey, wanna come hang out? I'm bored and my dad can come get you."

"Yea, sure. See you in a bit."

I hung up, and then went to go throw actual clothing on. 

"Dad, can you pick up Robin? She's coming over."

"Sure, you ready?"

"Yup, let's go."

We got in his car, and left the driveway, listening to his randomness on Pandora. 

I rambled about my break, and dance stuff, probably boring him to death. 

My dad, Richard Patterson, wasn't what you called dance educated. He was more into football, and beer, and hanging out at a bar with friends drinking beer and watching football. 

I mean, the bars he hung out at were very nice. I've been there, foods decent. 

After a while, I shut up, and looked at the scenery. 

As we passed the Community College, I pulled out my phone and texted Robin to let her know we were close. 

Me: Just passed Comm. College, be outside in a minute. 

Robin: Alright, see you in a minute. 

We passed the horse farm that was on the way to her farm, and I smiled. I loved being in more country areas of my little town. It was nice. 

After a few more minutes, my dad pulled into Robin's driveway, and her dog, Tucker, started barking. He stopped as I got out, realizing it was me. 

"Hi, Tucker! Oh, how has my little baby been? Yea? Oh, your fur is so cold."

I petted him as Robin jogged down the back steps. "Hey."

"Uh-huh. Oh, sorry, hey. By the way, I'm replacing you with your dog, he's my bestie. Also Trinket, your goat."

"I should say I'm shocked, but I'm really not."

We laughed, and got in my dad's car."

"Hey, Robin."


We drove in silence, myself looking at scenery, Robin reading on her phone.

My dad pulled into the driveway, and I stepped out of the car, saying, "Robin, let's figure out something to do when we get inside."

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