Chapter Twelve

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January 2


I'm a TAD excited, as you may have figured out. 

SO, I hopped off the couch, ran into the kitchen, and opened up Day 2 of my advent. 

"Morning, Filia," mom said from behind the counter. 

"Good morning, mother dear!"

I popped open the Day 2 thing, and pulled out my second one. 

"What is-OH! It's a Thestral! Aw, it's so cute!"

I have a thing with baby Thestral's, they were just so freaking adorable. 

Many other people may beg to differ. 

I didn't care, and I grinned. 

"SO cool."

I ran into the dining room, and grabbed my computer so I could start school. 

I wanted to be done early today, so I could watch Netflix. 

Netflix was my encouragement for school. 

I finished my English lesson, went to math class, finished up History, and went to Biology. 

"DONE!" I said, opening up Netflix. 

Charlie came into the dining room, and grabbed my computer. 

"Hey, get your own computer," I said, annoyed. 

"It's upstairs and I'm too lazy to go get it."

"MOM, Charlie took my computer."

He muttered choice words under his breath as mom walked in. 

"Charlie, go get your own computer."

"Damn," he said as he ran upstairs. 

"Yes!" I opened up Netflix, and was about to put on F.R.I.E.N.D.S when mom said, "Uh, uh, uh, no computer. You finished early, so you get to keep an eye on Sammy."

"What?" I said. "That's bull-"

"I'm going to the store, and your grandmom's coming. You'll do it, we clear?"

I sighed, and said, "FINE. Have fun at the store."

Mom left the dining room, and I muttered, "This is gonna be GREAT."


I heard mom's car pull out of the driveway, and I walked into the living room. 

"Hey, Sammy, wanna watch TV?"

He thought for a moment, then said, "No."

I wracked my brain, and said, "Want to play a board game?"


I sighed, and then had an idea. 

"Hey, wanna go annoy the crap out of Charlie?"

His face lit up. "Yea!"

Oh, it brought me SUCH joy to see my brothers torment each other. 

I sat down on the couch, and grabbed the remote. I found F.R.I.E.N.D.S on Netflix, and let the it play. 

"Rach, you want to put the marshmallow's in concentric circles."

"No, Mon, YOU want to put them in concentric circles. I want to do this."

Rachel shoved a mini marshmallow in Monica's nose. I giggled, and then heard Charlie say, "Stop it, Sammy! I need to work on this lesson!"

Sammy's laugh made me smile. Charlie's agony made me smile so much more. 

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