Chapter Three

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November 29

I woke up in screaming pain along my back. 

"Oh, OW!" I yelped, grabbing my back. 

My mom rushed into my room, half asleep. 

"Filia, what's wrong? You ok?"

"NO. My back is killing me, and I have like three new bruises."

Mom sat down on my bed, rubbing her neck. 

"You dance, you bruise. Take Motrin or arnica cause they work. Stretch, too. And I love you and your bruises."

I smiled, and replied, "Thanks mom. Could I have some Motrin, I think I pulled a muscle."

"Sure thing, sweetie." She left and came back with two pills and a cup of water. 

"Thanks." I put the pills in my mouth, and drank the water. 

"OK. Better get on with some schoolwork."

I nodded, and mom left. I opened up my computer, and logged onto school. 

"OK. Lets see...journalism club at 3:00, I have some English to do, history to get caught up on..same for math...."

Everything looked good, so I dove headfirst into the lessons.

"OK. What the hell does this linear shit mean?"

I knew it had something to with T-charts...didn't make it any easier. 

I exited that lesson, and decided to get the English essay paper thing over with.

Clicking on the link, I settled into my pillows and prepared to study.


I was so. Confused. 

Like, I understood everything, it was just a matter of applying it. You know?

I took a deep breath, and said to myself, "I feel that the children could be a representation of a mockingbird because of the following reasons: the trial of Tom Robinson, racial discrimination, and...and what else?"

I'm dead serious, I was so freaking lost. 

I had to get this essay's for a grade....

Charlie had the best timing ever. 

"Hey sis," he said as he stuck his head in my room. "Can you make something to eat? Mom drove Sammy to school on her way to work, and I'm hungry."

"Gladly," I replied, standing up. 

"Whoa, you seem awfully happy to make me food. What's the matter? Essay trouble?"

"OK, that's actually right for the first time EVER. Yes, I can never get thesis statements correct."

Charlie shrugged, and ran back into his bedroom.  

I walked out of my room, and went downstairs into the kitchen. I opened the freezer, hoping for a pizza. 

No such luck. 

I settled on chicken fries. I grabbed the bag, and put some on a tray. 

"There," I muttered as I shoved it in the oven. 

I set the timer, and walked into the living room. 

"YouTube, YouTube..." I said, looking on the widgets on our TV. 

"There it is."

I put on Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato (Clean), and as the song came on, did 50 jumping jacks. 

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