Chapter Nine

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December 18

It was now Tuesday, and I felt even more crappy, if that was possible. I seemed to have hit my limit the other day. 

I stretched my back, and sat up. 

Grandmom was in the living room, startling me, since her and my grandad lived next door. 

"Um, morning." I said, blinking my eyes in the bright sunlight. 

"Good morning. Your mom went to take Sammy to the pediatrician, he had his well visit today."

"Oh, OK." I said. 

I stood up, and went into the dining room. Charlie sat at mom's desk, watching something on YouTube. 

"Hey," I said, nudging his shoulder. "Move, I need to get my headphones."

"Uh-huh." He said, staying still. 

Sighing, I shoved him out of my way, and grabbed my headset. 

"Um, ow." he said, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Sorry." I said, not sorry at all. 

Wow, I really am awful. 

I logged onto school, and decided to complete some English. 

It was reading some really sad story and I skimmed most of it. 

I don't do those kinds of stories for school. I only like them when I read them for fun. 

I answered the questions for that lesson, and completed a few more overdue English. The reflection and introduction. 

I moved onto History, which was about WWI. I stopped before I submitted the lesson, and went into the kitchen. 

I grabbed a frying pan, some butter, and pierogies, and started the stove. 

I heard the front door open, and mom shout, "We're home!"

"Hey, mom, I'm in here!" I shouted back to her. 

"Sweetie, can you make Sammy some warm milk?" mom asked, walking into the kitchen with Sammy. 

"Sure, is he alright?" I asked, grabbing a coffee mug out of the cabinet. 

"Small stomach bug. Not contagious, but the doctor wants him to rest. You keep an eye on him, I'm going to take a nap." 

She headed for the hallway, and I heard her say, "Charlie, when I wake up, I'd better see all of your lessons done for the day."

"Uh-huh." he said. 

I stifled a giggle, knowing he was NOT going to get any school done. 

I poured some milk into the mug, and put it in the microwave. 

"Sammy, sit at the table, I'll grab you a book in one second." 

"OK, Fifi." He sat at the table and started fiddling with his thumbs. 


I dumped the food into the frying pan, and put the lid on. I walked into the living room, and grabbed a random book. 

"Here you go," I said to Sammy, handing him Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. 

I went back into the living room, and grabbed The Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keene. 

After a while, I heard sizzling coming from the stove, and remembered, 'Hey! I'm cooking food!'

"Oh, crap," I muttered, trying not to swear in front of Sammy. 

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