Chapter Seven

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December 6

"Ow," I groaned, waking up. My head was hurting. 

"Morning, sis," Charlie said, looking over. "Math in 10 minutes."

I glanced at the clock, and then glared at Charlie. "You suck."

"Hey, I didn't make the clock say that."

I laid down for a few minutes, then threw the blanket off of me and went into the dining room to get my computer. 

I logged into the live classroom, and found out we're doing a project....great....

We all split into break out groups, and we all took turns sharing our screens so we could work on the math project. 

Something to do with cars. 


Nothing else really happened today, so here I am, in the car, heading to dance. 

My mom parked her car in the parking lot, and I ran inside and sat next to Ellise, who was struggling with a knot of bells. 

"Hey." I said. 


My mom walked in, and started talking with Miss Karoline. 

"OK, bye Filia, dad's picking you up tonight."

"OK. Hey, Miss Karoline, want me to untangle that?"

She threw me her bundle of bells, and I got to work. 

Five minutes later, I heard a clatter, and Ellise said, "I broke one."

I giggled, and tried to untangle these bells. 

They were starting to annoy me. 

Shelby walked in, and sat next to me. "Hey."

"Hi, you figure these out."

Shelby took the bells, and said, "I give up," after five seconds. 

"I broke another one." Ellise said, making me laugh. 

At that moment, Miss Karolines hip hop class ended, and Jazz Tech started. 

We went in, and started doing crunches. (Like half sit-ups, they help your core)

We did 50 with legs down, 50 with legs in straddles. 

"Good. Down the room."

We lined up at the wall, and Miss Karoline told us to do chaine's, any arms. 

I did an arm behind my back, the other one leading. 

On the way back, I did arms that were criss-crossing in front of my face. 

Then, we started doing a mini routine, we call them combo's.

We started off by doing this arm pull in thing, like....I can't really explain it. But that's what we did. 

Then, it was bent right arm, straight left arm to the side, kicking our left legs forward, then switch arms, kicking the left leg to the side. We ended up in fourth position. 

We swung our arms around our heads, and then went into an attitude turn. 

From there, we went into a cezonne, and then landed with our right leg in front. 

Tricky part is next, so pay attention. 

We did a chasse step into a leap, then midair we swapped our bodies forward facing the other way, and landed with our legs in the air. 

After that, we did some funky arms thing, kind of fun. 

"Guys, we're gonna do the jump down the room. They look atrocious."

Shelby started us off for them, and they were pretty good. 

Then Nolen, his even better. 

Yippee, next is me. 

Ooh, I rhymed. 

The first time I did it, I fell. Very funny. I couldn't stop laughing. 

The second time though, I did it absolutely PERFECT. It felt great. 

Then was Ellise, and her's were pretty good. 

Kara was next (she's one of my not so close friends, but still friends, like I don't want her to die kind of friends from the studio) did the jump, but she fell wrong on her ankle. 

"Oh, you alright?" we asked. 

"I'm fine, I just twisted my ankle." She got back up and did it again, and it was AWESOME....

So, that was Jazz Tech for the night....

We did the dance a couple more times, and then we all left for the night. 

"Hey," I said, getting into my dad's car. 

"Hey, how was dance?"


I started visualizing different dances in my head, trying to perfect them mentally. 

Dad pulled into our driveway, and I hopped out, walking up the front yard. 

As soon as dad unlocked the door, I crashed on the living room couch. 


WOO! CHAPTER SEVEN!!! Sorry this one was shorter, I didn't have a lot that day and I was really busy. 

Reminder: I will not be writing about the 7th, 8th or 9th due to the show..I mean, I know this will be published AFTER the show's DONE, but whatever. 

I'm attaching a random video in the thing above because why not. It's really random, so bear with me. Also, a phases of the moon picture, because those are really cool. 

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