Chapter Eight

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December 17

I yawned, and rolled onto my back, looking at the ceiling. I just laid there, taking in the bright light of the sun shining through the window. 

By the way, I'm sick. Very sick. Today is the first day I could record anything down. I've been resting, you see. 

I closed my eyes again, and rolled onto my side. I heard the front door open and close, and then heard my dad's voice, Adam Plexico, say something. 

I didn't remember, I think I fell asleep. Next thing I knew, he was tickling me, and I shot upright. 

I did the F.R.I.E.N.D.S fist thing (if you don't know, that's kind of sad, but Google it) and he pretended to be upset. 

"How dare you?" 

"Hey, it's moms fault for showing me the show." I defended myself. 

I wrapped my fuzzy blanket around myself, and as mom came into the room, I asked, "Can you bring my computer in here, I need help with a math thing."

"Sure." She walked out and came back with my computer. 

"OK, what do you need help with?" Mom asked, sitting next to me on the couch. 

I didn't respond as I opened up the lesson for something with similar figures. 

"I need you to sit next to me and stay." I completed the lesson, fairly easy. 

Then I went into the dining room, and completed two projects I had to do for math. 

YAY math is FUN. 

After that, I started my Independent Reading for English, and answered the questions that followed. 

Pretty easy. 

Then, I moved onto Biology...oh, I wished I had been in class that day. 

We were learning about asexual and sexual reproductions....I filled in the guided notes, and closed the lid of my computer. 

I checked the clock, 11:30. 

"Time for FOOD." I said to myself, walking out of the dining room. 

"Fifi, can you make me a bowl of cereal?" Sammy asked, walking into the kitchen. 

He had those big eyes that I couldn't say no to. 

"Fine," I sighed, grabbing Sammy's cereal from the shelf. 

"Yay, thank you." I poured his cereal into a bowl, and then grabbed the milk to pour in. 

"OK, here you go. Eat." I handed the bowl to Sammy, and got out a frying pan to make pierogies. 

I put the butter into the frying pan, and let that melt. 

I got out the bag of mini pierogies, and placed about 10 of them on a pan. 

What, I was hungry. I usually had 11 of them,  but i wasn't feeling that today. 

After the butter melted, I placed the frozen food onto the pan, and put a lid on top of it, to keep the steam in. 

Also, it helped them get crispy. 

I think. I may be wrong. 

I went into the dining room, grabbed my computer, and plopped it onto the kitchen table. 

I opened up Netflix, and put on Fuller House. (Seasons 4 was out)

After about 10 minutes, I heard the crackling of the stove, and went to flip the food. 

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