Chapter Five

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December 3rd

I woke up on the couch with three bruises on my knee. 

"Great," I muttered. "Not again."

I grabbed the arnica, and rubbed some on the bruises. 

"Morning, Filia," Charlie said as he walked into the living room. 

"Hey, you're taking off from school for the day for a field trip, right?"


"Can you grab you're computer for me to use?"


He walked into the kitchen, and came back with a computer in his hands. 

"Here," he said, dumping it in my lap. 

I logged into my account on school, and started with some biology. 

I filled in the guided notes, and then continues with learning about MLA source's in English. 

Easy stuff. 

I blew threw learning about some war in the Philippines, and then went into math. 


I got stumped after the first page, and went to calling my math help teacher for help. 


An hour later, I had finished school for the day. And it was only 11:00 AM!

I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. 

"Oh, what am I hungry for?" I asked myself. 

I settled on making spaghetti, so I got some water into a pot and started boiling it. 

I sighed, and sat down on a chair next to my brother. 

"Watcha reading?" I asked. 


"What section of the paper?"

"The one with words."

"Haha, you're SO funny."

"What dance do you have today? I always forget which one."

"Lyrical. I have to do like 3 lifts with Nate."


"Well, this was a GREAT chat, I'm gonna go stretch, keep an eye on the water for me? Thanks!"

I left the kitchen before he could react, chuckling. 

I sat down on the floor in a straddle, reaching forward. 

My hips cracked, and I grimaced. 

"What the hell was that? You finally break something?" Charlie yelled. 

"No, just my hips cracking." I shouted back. 

"OK, ow."

"I'm fine, don't bother checking on me, that's great."

"Hey, your water's boiling. Want me to put the spaghetti in for you?"

I tried standing up, and fell back to the floor. "Yea, that'd be great."

I heard the splash of water as he put the pasta in, and the creak of his chair as he sat down. 

Time flew pretty fast, and before I knew it, it was 5:30. 

"Oh, shit, I gotta get dressed." I said, jumping up from the couch where I had sat for the past few hours watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S with mom. 

"Mom, you're driving me, right?"

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