Chapter Thirteen

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This is the end of the book. I'm very sorry if you've been enjoying this, but I had to end it. Too much drama happened between my friends, and I will explain what happened. 

Robin (Ruthie) and I became inseparable, we love each other so much. Ilysm WiseGirl1818, and I really don't deserve you in my life. 

Ellise (Erin) Shelby (Shay) and I had a HUGE falling out, the two became so cliquey. They started an Instagram for my dance studio, and they made it all about them, which isn't right for a business. A week ago I confronted Erin about it, and I did notice some changes they made to the account. It did become more inclusive, which I greatly appreciate. 

Camilla (Chyanne) and I were actually dating, we broke up and then a month later got into a huge fight (I'd prefer to not get into details, she said some things she probably regretted, as did I) Unfortunately, after I confronted Erin and Shay about the account, Chyanne started sending me messages that were really mean, like asking me why I was harassing Erin for posting pictures of kids who actually show up at the studio. This happened twice. 

Nolan (Noah) and I banded together during the whole Erin/Shay scenario, which made my life a hell of a lot easier. He's been like my big brother and I love him so much, he's absolutely amazing. 

Nate (Nick) and I are not friends but we are? He's pretty chill, we're partners in some dances. 

Kallista (Kendal) and I are actually not doing that bad. We're really good friends, she's like my sister. 

Sadie (Sophia) and I are really close. She's like my little sister. 

Noelle (Nitalia) and I are really good friends. Sure, we don't hang out loads but she's still super amazing.

What else? Well, I'll tell you about competitions that happened. 

In March, our group dance, Tied Down, got 2nd place, which was really good. We're lucky we placed. Noah and Shay's duet placed 1st, and they got a trophy. 

In April, Tied Down got gold, overall score, and the Hashtag Wow! score. The younger kids dance, Sweet Dreams, got high silver. The duet got gold, and they also got overall. (Overall is trophies)

Our recital is coming up, and I'm super excited. Ruthie did indeed start ballet, and she's doing really well for only dancing for a month and a half. 

I'm really sorry for cutting off the story like this, but it hurt too much to write about my dance family when it feels like it's falling apart around me. I hope you understand, and I will be starting some new stories on here. 

I think my new quote to say before recitals and competitions will be "Let the pain begin." WiseGirl1818, hope you'll say that with me. Dance is indeed pain, yet we make every step look flawless (or at least we try!!). We must do turns and jumps all with a smile on our faces, half the time with weighted costumes on our bodies. Do not ever insult a dancer, for we will kick your ass. 

As for some personal changes, I cut Chyanne out of my life because she was so damn toxic for me. In doing this I grew closer to my church, and to God. I'm not advertising Christianity, just saying what happened to me. I've felt happier and more free since letting go of toxic people in my life. 

I love you all so much, and thank you for reading my story about the life of a dancer!

~livebythemoon14 XOXOXOXOXO <3 

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