Here in your eyes

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I watched the man scoop out a pink dollop of rich strawberry icecream and drop it into a waffle cone. I reached for it eagerly and spread my tongue over the sugary creaminess, frozen chunks of strawberries making my teeth go cold.

"It's saaah good," Jai slurped his mint chocolat icecream.

"Eww," I giggled, taking another mouthful.

We strolled down the path, horse cairrages trip trotting past us, heads arched proudly, their giant hooves matching pace.

"Look!" I shoved the rest of the cone in my mouth and pushed open the door, the belle at the top of the door ringed loudly as I entered.


"How do I look," I giggled at myself in the mirror, wearing a big fluffy wolf hat with long paws to match.

"Gorgeous girl," Jai replied in a gay voice.

We both laughed.

"Try this one on," I picked up a panda hat with small white tassels hanging down the sides and placed it softly on his head.

He turned to face the mirror. This would be a perfect shot.

I posed beside him and we both made funny faces as I snapped away.

I flicked through the pictures and smiled at my favourite one.

I was grinning up into the camera, the wolf hat sitting nicely on my head. Jai had one hand tugging on the tassel of his hat and the other was securely around my shoulder, pulling a serious face.

"Thats my favourite," Jai leaned his head on my shoulder as he looked down at the pciture.

"Me too," I smiled.

He looked at me for a second and gently pulled the hat off my head.

"I'm buying this for you," he jumped off to the counter before I could protest and handed over a wad of bucks to the cashier.


"There you go," he put it on my head again and lead me out of the store.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah I did, your my girl, I'll get you anything."

He broke into the song 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber, facing me walking backwards, singing to me, while people tried to avoid him on the street.

I couldn't stop the salty tears that were slipping down my cheeks.

Jai stopped singing and wrapped his arms around my neck, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry," I smiled through my tears.

"For what?"

"Crying too much. I feel as if you don't deserve me Jai, you should be with someone better," I wiped at my eyes, hoping my mascara wasn't smudged.

"How can you say that, thats what I thought when I first saw you," he gently lifted my face up and wiped away my tears with his thumb.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was caught in the stars of Jai's eyes.

"You are the craziest boy I have ever met, but thats why I like you. Because your Jai brooks."

"Exactly," he whispered, kissing me softy.

Hey you peoplee

Sorry I haven't uploaded in so long, too much school thats for sure! I'll definietly get in some more work for the holidayss. Any ideas on what should happen? My ears are open! Love you all, especially my fans!

~Julia xoxoxo

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