This is who I am

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"Stay at my house?" Jai begged.


I bit my lip and twisted a strand of gold hair around my fingers, keeping him in agony.

"I don't know," I smirked.

"You're evil," he laughed, facing me, slipping his arms around my waist, torturing me with his puppy dog look. His dark eyes boring into mine.

"Fine," I giggled, brushing my lips against his cheek.

"I knew I could convince you," he murmured.

"You always will."

He leaned in, but I teased him by brushing his soft fringe to the side of his face and then cheekily wriggling out of his arms.

"What do you think your doing," Jai joked.

I laughed and ran off, heading off towards the busy centre of the city, Jai on my heels.

I had a flashback to when I first met him, running, chasing through the city, jumping in the river, falling for his eyes.

I turned up at the station, puffing, choked up with laughter as Jai did a silly dance along the grassy strip of green.

"Stop it Jai," I begged him, my stomach painfully aching as I kneeled over in laughter.

He blew a kiss to his astonished crowd, arm in arm, we jumped into the huge group of people bustling towards the entrance tunnel.

We hopped on the last train heading to Glen Roy, I took a seat next to the window, watching as the scenery whizzed past me.

"Watch this," Jai whispered in my ear.

Sitting up straight, he looked around cautiously, before letting out a small bark.

No-one moved or spoke.

I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop any giggles from escaping.

He barked louder, howling mournfully as if he was a coyote wailing at the moon.

A lady peered angry from under her wide brimmed hats, her grey eyes glaring like a snapping turtle.

"Jai.." I warned under my breath, snickering.

"AWOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!" Jai howled again.

"Be quiet," the lady growled.

I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing.

She glared at me too.

"Tell your little friend to stop his stupid act," the lady commanded at me as the train chuffed to a stop.

 "I don't know him, honest," I put my hands up in surrender, my face spread out in a wide smile.

Jai grabbed my wrist and we staggered off the train in tears, our backs hunched over.

"Hey lovebirds, over here!" I wiped my eyes and spotted Beau's smirking mouth and smoky green eyes in the Brook's car, Luke waving madly.

Luke jumped out  and nearly knocked me over with his hug.

"I missed you Lukeyy," I giggled.

"I mished yaa," Luke sang.

"Luke," Jai warned.

"Ooh getting possessive are we?" Luke smirked, his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah buddy, and you'll get it," Jai slapped Luke's arm of my shoulder and walked me to their car.

"Hey Juliaa," Beau said, grinning.

"Hey Beau."

It was good to be back.

"Guess where were going?" Beau yelled, hi hand casually laying across the steering wheel.

"The deep dark forest?" Luke squealed in terror.

"THE CARNIVAL!" Beau bellowed.

I whooped in delight.

Call me maybe came blaring through the radio and Beau turned up the volume real loud.

"HEY I JUST MET YOU AND THIS IS CRAZY BUT HERE'S MY NUMBR SO CALL ME MAYBE!" Me, Luke and Jai sang at the top of our lungs.

Beau rolled down the windows and the music went  flowing outside into the wind.

Luke poked his face out the window and flashed a phone to his ear at the person beside us.

His mouth dropped and we all burst into hysterics.

Just another day spent with the Brooks.

And we watch the sun go down (Janoskians)Where stories live. Discover now