Look a me...
I'm not pretty
I'm not smart
Nobody loves meYou tell me to look at you
As you point out your "flaws"
What you see
What you think is wrong
You say nobody loves you.
But I do.
So what does that make me?
Am I nobody to you?
Because I may not talk that much
And i may not look like much
But I'm still somebody.
Even if sometimes I feel
Like I'm nobody.
So don't you dare
Tell me
That nobody loves you
Because I am not nobody.
And no matter how hard it is
For you to believe me
I love you.
I love you like the world
Loves technology.
I love you like a child
Loves cartoons.
I love you like a brother
Loves a sister.
And vise versa.
Because you are my world.
You're my favorite thing to see.
You teach me new things.
To me,
You're family.
So why the hell
Can't you see
I am somebody.
And somebody
Loves you so much
They'd give their own life
If it meant that
You'd stick around.
That somebody
Stays up late because
They don't want this to be goodbye.
That somebody is watching out
For your life.
They'd sit there and try for you
When you don't feel like trying anymore.
That IS love.
Love isn't
Constant kisses
And cuddles.
Love isn't
"Baby come here"
"Baby I miss your body"
Love isn't
Always waking up
Next to someone.
It's not
I miss you so much
Even when I'm with him/her
Love is
"Text me when you get home"
"I want to know that you're safe"
Love is
Waiting until the time
Is actually right for you.
Love is
Actually making
An effort
I love you so much
I could never think about him/her
It's a promise
Not a phrase
It's I won't leave you
I won't give up on you
Not I love you
It's over
It's not just dealed
By the brain
Sitting there
Driving you insane
It's partnered
By the heart
Making you think
That's it's an art.
So next time you think
That nobody loves you
Remember me.
Please just remember me.
Because I love you.
I am somebody.
And I
Loving you.
So don't forget that..