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Ryan walked into his father's first-period classroom and sat down at his desk, flipping his hood and sitting his head on his arms on the desk. He heard footsteps walk in but didn't look up.

"Ryan?" Lucas asked. Ryan lifted a few fingers but gave no reaction other than that.

"Are you ok?"

"...cold." came Ryan's muffled reply.

"How are you cold?"

"COLD!" Ryan's reply was still muffled, but louder. It also gave no reason as to why he was cold, but that wasn't the point now was it.

"Do you want my jacket?"

Ryan dropped his head on the desk and held out his hands. Lucas draped the jacket over him and Ryan flipped that hood, too. He held out a thumbs up and Lucas gave him a fist bump.


So Ryan fell asleep. He slept during class. He woke up when Farkle tapped him frequently on the arm.

"Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ry-"

"WHat the hECk!" Ryan shouted, voice and body dead tired. He looked up and saw the chaos that was the classroom.

There was a girl in pink glaring at his sister while his sister... had a finger stuck up Lucas's nose.

"I'm so sorry what the actual fuck," Ryan swore accidentally. "Ryan!" Cory yelled. Ryan stood up and gestured both of his arms to the mess that was his sister.

"Are you not seeing this!"

"You swore!"

"FATHER YOUR DAUGHTER HAS A HAND UP HER FRIEND'S FACE AND YOUR MAIN CONCERN IS ME RIGHT NOW?" Ryan yelled, exasperated. He was steadily getting more and more irritated, not only because of the ridiculousness of the situation but also because his throat hurt like hell and yelling was the only way he could get his point across.

Riley quickly backed up while the drama between him and Cory continued.

"You don't swear in my class! Or at all!" Cory yelled.


"Sit down!"

Ryan sat down and rubbed his eyes.

"The bombing of Pearl Harbor was our official entrance into a world war, and nothing would ever be the same," Cory said, continuing a lesson Ryan hadn't even heard.

It was all Gucci though, he had a teacher who wouldn't shut up about Pearl Harbor last year.

It was a math teacher.


When Lunch arrived, the group was surrounding Riley's locker, because she was inside it.

"Riley what the h-"

"Would you stop swearing!" Maya yelled at him. Ryan shrugged and sat down at the bench in front of the lockers and lied down.

The pink girl eventually came around to taunt Riley.

"I'm sorry, whomst the fuck?" Ryan sat up and glared at her, though it was mostly out of exhaustion rather than hate.

"I'm Missy Bradford." She smirked down at him, leaning forward. "No. Hey, you're not allowed to-do" Ryan rubbed his face and rolled his eyes, "K, cool, whatever, why the h-ECK are you taunting my sister?" He stood up and she leaned back.

"Heck? Weren't you swearing earlier?" Missy asked, a weird look on her face.

"I've been told to stop," He looked at Maya, who only stared along with the others, "and I'm still waiting for that reason?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"They aren't together, so it's not-"

"Dude, what they are isn't your business, but you're being really shitty, and trying to get a reaction out of her. That means you. Are. Taunting her." Ryan leaned down to her eye level. "Fucking don't."

He walked around her and into the hall that led to the cafeteria, avoiding his friends. 

Did you notice the inconsistency?  I rlly hope I fixed it 🤣🤣

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