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Girl Meets First Dance

Ryan and Farkle were walking down the hall towards Ryan's locker.

“So what are your plans for the dance?” Ryan asked as he stopped to open his locker.

“I'm asking Riley and Maya to spend the whole dance with me,” at Ryan's look, he continues, “And when that doesn't work I'll get one dance with them each. Which is all I really want,” Farkle shrugs.

Ryan laughs as he finishes moving books. “Yeah, ok, Casanova. Why don't you ask them now?” He shrugged he bag into his shoulder.

“Planning on it!” Farkle grabbed his elbow and dragged him forward. Ryan laughs as he follows him. His grin widened when Farkle's hand slid from his elbow to his hand.

"Ladies," Farkle said, letting go of Ryan's hand.  He stuck it in his hoodie pocket.

As he watched Farkle talk to the girls before eventually asking for what he actually wanted, he thought about his own plans for the dance.

Obviously he couldn't go with Farkle, the reason why playing out in front of him.

Farkle being in love with two girls.

Girls.  Not guys.  One of them being his sister. The other her best friend.

With that, he had no potential dates to the dance. Then again, they were seventh graders, did he really need one?

"So who're you taking to the dance?" Farkle asked, linking his arm with Ryan's ask they walked down the hall.

Ryan blinked. Of course Farkle would expect him to have a date, he was the biggest flirt in the seventh grade!

"Oh. I was actually wasn't planning on asking anyone," Ryan shrugged.  Farkle looked at him, surprised.

"Really?  I thought you'd ask Sarah, you are friends with her, right?"

Ryan shrugged. "Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean I want to go with her, you know?"

They walked to Ryan's class.

"Is there anyone you were hoping to ask you?"

Ryan smiled, a little bitterly.

"Uh, yeah. But they're pinning for other people right now, so it's kinda hopeless. Later, dude," Ryan waved and walked into class, leaving Farkle at the door.

There was no way he'd tell him he was hoping for Farkle to ask him. That would just ruin what they had, wouldn't it?

A/n: I'm /loving/ the comments, guys. Also 5K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is super awesome!!!! I've never had more than 20 people want to read my story before!

So, now that I've got some people here, is there anything you'd wanna see?  Like for original chapters or ocs or something.

Also, I noticed I'm close to 100 followers, and that's honestly so much cooler than anything else to me. Thanks!!!

One more thing, I saw that this was #2 in gmw!!  That's so cool because it's never been higher than 15!!  I'm enjoying this while it lasts

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