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Girl Meets Crazy Hat

So Ryan was stuck taking the subway to school.

It was fine, he didn't want to be safe. In a car. Not getting wet.


"Riley don't wear the trash bag, the garbage man is gonna take you," He warned.

And you know what she said?




A fair point.

Riley, Maya, and Ryan all rushed down the subway steps, doing their best not to trip.

There was a woman dressed in flamboyant clothing wearing a crazy hat sat on the bench, looking around.

"There she is again," Riley pointed.

"It's rude to point," He shoved her hand down.

"Crazy hat is always here," Maya said, moving out of the stairwell.

"You see her here everyday?" Ryan asked? The girls nodded.

Strange. Doesn't she have a job?

"What do you think her deal is?" Riley began speculating, "former movie star? Olympic skater?"

"Bum on a bench." Maya suggests. Ryan shook his head and laughed.

"Let's go ask her," Ryan lead the way.

"Ma'am, what's your deal?"

The woman looked over. Riley smiled. "And a new adventure begins!"

"You three? C'mere. Let me teach you about life."  Ryan and Maya sat on the bench with one empty space left. Riley hadn't sat yet.

"No can do, Ms. Crazy Hat. You want me to sit there, I'm gonna need three forms of ID."

"What're you, a bartender?" Ryan laughed, his arm resting on the back of the bench. The police officer on the corner of the stop called over, "Trust me. She's good."

"Ok, copper," Riley saluted the officer.

"That's officer copper to you."

Riley sat as Officer Copper engaged in small talk with Ms. Crazy Hat.

"Morning, Evelyn. Never gonna stop raining, is it?"

"That's ok, Eugene, these three little dollies were about to give me one of their designer ponchos."

"Not designer," Ryan laughed.

"They're garbage bags," Riley explains. "But you have to put a hole for your head."

"So you can breathe," Officer Eugene says.


"Why don't you have a poncho, dollie?" Ms. Crazy Hat/Evelyn asked Ryan.

"Cause last time Riley wore one she got picked up by the garbage man." Ryan laughed.

"I was yelling but he didn't care.".

" We had to chase her all the way down to 33rd street."

"Wow. Now those are friends. Me? I don't chase nobody for nothing." Officer Eugene States.

"What if I stole this banana?" Maya tests, grabbing a banana off the stand close by.

"I'd be very disappointed."

"Aw." Maya places the banana back.

Ms. Crazy hat left for the United Nations, and the garbage man came for Riley.


Ryan sighed as he and Maya chased after her.


"Belgium 1831-"

"No!" Riley slammed her hands down on the desk.

Ok damn.

"Belgium 18-"






Cory sighed and sat down on his desk. "Well, I tried. Yes, honey what's happening?"

"Daddy what's my thing? "

"Ok. What?"

Ryan was getting tired of this.

"What am I going to be?" Riley asked.

"Listen to me very, very carefully," Cory said, looking her in the eye.

He slammed his hand on the board. "Belgium 1831!"

Ryan laughed.

"In 1831, Belgium declared its independence from the Netherlands."

"What will people think of me if I end up living in the subway?"

"Why must you care so much of what other people think of you?" Ryan asked, already done with today.

"Where is this coming from? I just saw you at breakfast!" Cory exclaims. Ryan shrugged, slumping down in his seat. Lucas pat him on the shoulder.

After a small situation with Farkle's languages getting mixed up, he finally yelled, "My education should not be based on your daughter's mood!"

"I feel like we should be picking names out of a hat if that's how the class works, though."

Cory erased the board and Ryan let his head drop to his desk.

He wasn't that tired, he was just done with this class.


"Muffins?" Ryan's head shot up from the desk. "What about muffins?"

"We'll split the class into two businesses, the product is muffins."

Cory assigned group leaders.

"Maya and Lucas can be one team, Riley and Farkle the other. The rest of you will choose which team you work in, but we do need even numbers."

Cory quickly wrote "capitalism" On the board.

"The rest of the school will be your consumers."

The bell rang and everyone began to leave.

"Farkle, I'll be on your team," Ryan grabbed him.

"Alright. Now, how're we going to do this? Because I'm here to make bank."

Riley walked with them. "We can start by baking some muffins!"

"Why not just buy some?" Ryan asked.

"We'd be losing money that way." Farkle pointed out. "By baking muffins first we can make more money from zero dollars rather than from debt."

"And do you have baking materials Farkle? A list of food allergies to avoid? A way around the school policy that explicitly states no homemade food?"


"Well then," Ryan clapped them both on the shoulders, "store bought should be fine."


Oh,confrontation. If only we could avoid you forever.


Girl Meets Ryan MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now