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Ok this chapter has no actual violence in it but it's about Ryan getting bullied for being queer. This is taking place of the bullying ep for Farkle. This is going to be the plot for a couple of chapters, just wanted to let y'all know in advance

Slamming the door, Ryan rushed past his parents, hoping to go unseen.

Unluckily, this is not like every day. His parents are going out of their way to talk to him

"Hey, Ryan, how was your day?"

"Fine, chill, whatever thanks." Ryan kept his head down as he walked towards the hallway.

"Ryan why are you walking like that?"

He didn't stop and left to his room. See, here's where things get unusual.

His mom and dad followed him into the hall.

"Ryan, why are you being so rude?"

"I'm not being rude! You're being rude with all these questions!" Ryan finally brought his face away from the floor and Topanga gasped.

"Ryan what happened to your face?"

Ryan had a large bruise on his cheek. He was glaring at them

"Leave me alone, go focus on Perfect Riley and what's going on in her life!"

He turned away from them and ran to his room.

"Ryan Matthews, come back here right now!"

He threw open his door and slammed it shut so whatever they said was muffled.

He dropped his bag and ran out the window. When his parents got there he was gone.

"What are we going to do, Topanga? This is serious, and he's not talking to us." Cory sighed.

Topanga crosses her arms worriedly. They hear the front door open again.

"Mom, dad!" Riley calls. They leave and shut the door, hurrying to their daughter.

Outside on the fire escape, Ryan sighs. He touches his bruise gingerly and flinches.


Leaving the window open was never a good idea. Well, before it wasn't.

Now Aidan had a best friend that rarely ever used the front door, so he had no choice.

Now that seemed like the best option, considering how Ryan just about flung himself into the room.

"Hey, man whAT HAPPENED!"

Ryan huffed and threw himself face down on his bed.

"No, seriously, what happened."

Ryan rolled over onto his back. He was staring at The ceiling with glossy eyes.

"Some lowlife from school cornered me in a park."

"What? Why?"

Ryan shut his eyes.

"Motherfucker said I didn't deserve my friends because I'm a queer."

Aidan sprang up from where he was sitting at his desk and ran for the window.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ryan jumped up and restrained him, holding him from behind.

"I'm going to go kill that piece of shit!"

Ryan threw Aidan onto the bed and sat on his back.

"You don't know where this guy is! What he looks like or what he can do!"

Aidan stopped struggling. "Ok you win."

Ryan let go and Aidan tried to go to the window again.


Aidan once again stopped but Ryan didn't let him go. He leaned his cheek against the back of his shoulder.

"Have you told your parents?"


Aidan stood up and faced Ryan.


"What? They don't care. All they care about is Riley and Riley's problems. They don't care about me."

Aidan sighed and hugged Ryan.

"You need to tell them."

"I don't wanna."

"If you don't tell them, and this happens again, I'll tell them."

Ryan sighed but didn't say anything.

Girl Meets Ryan MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now