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Farkle was lying on the platform that was set up for Juliet's character in the death scene that he had interrupted a week prior.

"Hey, man. What's going on?" Ryan walked up to him looking down where his friend lay.

"You know how I quit everything to become an actor?"

"Oh," Ryan's eyes widened in surprise, "you did not tell me that."

"Huh. Well, I quit everything in order to become an actor. And I auditioned for the next play,"

"Did it go well?"

Farkle sighed. "I'm not even allowed to watch the next play."

Ryan sucked air in through his teeth. "Yikes. That...that's rough, buddy."

Farkle shrugged. "Yeah. I thought I was set to be the next big hit in our school. I wouldn't have thought that if Riley didn't tell me she thought I was amazing in 'Romeo and Juliet and Farkle'.

Ryan snorted. "Yeah, lying to spare your feelings? Sounds like Riley."

"What sounds like me?" Riley asked, her and Maya walking into the theatre. Ryan walked down to meet them in the middle of the aisle leading up to the stage.

"Lying to Farkle to," Ryan made quotes with his fingers, " 'spare his feelings'." Ryan put his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes.

"Why did you put that in quotes? I didn't want to hurt his feelings and make him sad so-"

"You didn't want to feel bad about making him sad." Ryan pointed out, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Well, yeah. I guess," Riley shrugged. Ryan rolled his eyes.

"That's selfish Riley."

"No, it's not! I didn't want to hurt him," She defended.

"You should've just put on your big girl pants and told him the truth because you've just led him to a different type of hurt."

Riley rolled her eyes and walked past him. Maya shrugged at him when he looked at her and followed Riley.

Ryan scoffed and walked out and leaned against the wall next to the open doors, listening to the conversation inside.

"Farkle, we've been looking all over for you! I need to talk to you."

"Farkle's not here, Farkle's gone. He gave up chess club. He gave up Chemistry club."

"What?" Both girls yelled.

"What happened," Riley asked.

"You happened."

Ryan rolled his eyes and laughed. He did tell her that not telling him the truth just hurt Farkle in the end.

As he was waiting for Farkle, he heard a weird reaction from the girls.

As Farkle walked out, Ryan walked with him.

"Why did the girls freak out?"

"I kissed Riley."

"You WHAT!"

Farkle laughed a little.

"On the chin, don't worry."

Ryan just had more questions.

Just be aware, the next few things I'm going to be working on in this story is just editing so,,

how was your summer? Y'all know I spent it grounded so,,,,

Girl Meets Ryan MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now