1 | Elizabeth

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for everyone who read lost and found and are back here now for the second book: thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I hope you enjoy this. leave your thoughts below.


Two years later

"C'mon, Dust, I don't have all day," I said to the grey Australian cattle dog that was in the back seat of my car. The dog jumped out of the car and followed me as I opened the gates and made my way to the front door.

I know I promised Calum two years ago that I wouldn't adopt a dog from the shelter, but when Dusty came into the animal shelter I couldn't leave her. She was the most precious thing ever and without even asking Calum first, I adopted her.

She and Duke got along surprisingly well and even Calum had fallen in love with the grey dog.

The past two years were quite eventful and life-changing. My original plan was that after the Both of Us tour I would go back to Boston and finish my study, but that never happened. I told Andy during the tour that I was really interested in photography and that it used to be a bit of a hobby of mine. He asked me for some of the pictures I took and he was quite impressed with it when I showed it to him and told me that I had talent.

So that's how I ended up being trained by Andy to be a professional photographer. I also did an online college study for it. This was the first time in my life where I finally knew what I wanted to do with my life.

The boys had taken another hiatus, a little shorter than the first big hiatus that came before Youngblood, but still one and a half year of radio silence for the fans. A little over a month ago they had released their new album and from what I've seen from the radio charts and social media fans absolutely loved it.

The new tour was starting tomorrow and I was going to be the photographer for this tour. Andy left LA about a year ago when he got the opportunity to tour with a great band that he loved and he told the boys that 'I was ready to take on this job', even though I wasn't quite sure about it.

It felt weird – being the photographer for 5SOS. They had to pay me. My best friends had to pay me for taking pictures of them.

That was also a big change, they had officially changed their name. It wasn't 5 Seconds of Summer anymore, it was just 5SOS.

Dusty and I made our way inside and I kicked my shoes off and threw my coat over the chair.

A month after Thanksgiving two years ago police finally caught Tommy and he was in jail, the fucker. I didn't even know when he'd be released, but he has a restraining order and I had officially moved to LA, so I'm safe. It took a while but I was slowly feeling better over time.

Maybe it was when I stopped looking for him whenever the barista called for the person who had ordered a long macchiato. Maybe it was when his name didn't come to my mind when someone made a joke about my pale legs. Maybe it was when I didn't flinch when someone yelled in the street to no one in particular. Or perhaps it was when I wasn't afraid to go walk to the 24/7 store at the corner of the street anymore.

I guess all of these tiny bits that reminded me of the good and bad times with him started slipping off my mind slowly, just like sand slips off your hands between your fingers until it is all gone, but you don't realize until the last grain leaves your hands. It didn't just happen in a snap, but over time I realized that I was not afraid of him anymore.

I walked up to the bedroom while texting Iris. Iris was still one of my best friends in LA and she still worked at the animal shelter every now and again. I'd just gotten home from the vet for an annual check-up for Dust, just in time for the tour.

Iris would dog-sit Dusty while me and the boys were on tour and Duke would probably go to Mali again. Iris had two others dogs and needed to make sure that Dusty was healthy before taking him in.

I grabbed the suitcase that was laying wide open next to my bed and put it on the bed. "Okay, I got two more hours before I have to be at Mike's for our last night in LA, I can do this," I said to myself before trying to fold the clothes that I had thrown in there the night before. I checked my phone once again, seeing a text from Iris saying that she'll pick up Dust at 7 tomorrow, and a text from Mike saying that the boys are already at his place because they got tired of practicing. I texted him back that I'll be there asap.

I haven't seen them a lot in the past weeks, they were really busy with the tour and wanted everything to be perfect and I was busy practicing with my new camera's, so I was excited to see everyone.

Closing one of the suitcases, I started needly folding the clothes in the second one, making sure there was enough space for my shoes and make-up for the awards shows that the boys had planned and where I was going to be the +1 because 'you've never been to an award show, it's amazing' and I actually agreed on it, even though it meant I had to walk the red carpet and people would stare at me.

Dusty had made her way into the bedroom as I filled my backpack with the essential stuff I needed for my camera, the camera I got from Andy by the way and put it next to my other suitcases before I turned around and started changing for tonight.

I did some of my make-up but not too much, we were staying at Michael's tonight, I didn't need to overdress for the boys. I wasn't sure if Sierra was coming but I knew Crystal was going to be there. It wasn't a pre-tour party without Michael's fiancé there.

Yes, fiancé. That is correct. Michael Clifford finally found the balls to propose to Crystal.

The wedding wasn't anytime soon, Crystal wanted the boys to do this tour while she would plan the wedding, not wanting to give Michael any more stress than he already had for this tour.

I put on a pair of sneakers and grabbed my coat, scratching Dusty behind her ear and made my way outside again.

The drive to Michael's house was short and before I knew it I found myself ringing his doorbell.

It wasn't long until the door swung open and I was greeted by a red-haired Michael Clifford.

"Woah – did 2014 call?" I said, wrapping my arms around the man as he gave me a big hug. "Oh, shut up, you love my hair." He said and I chuckled. "Still waiting for the green hair to make a comeback," I said, letting him go.

I walked into his house and saw my favorite Australians hanging at the bar that Michael had in his big penthouse. "Would you look at that, if that isn't my favorite American!" Ashton said when he looked over his shoulder and spun around with the beer in his hand. I smiled at the drummer and gave him a big hug.

"Hey, you," I said as I felt his arms wrap around me. "How are you?" he asked me and I smiled, letting him go. "I'm good, I'm good," I told him before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and got greeted by the tall giraffe that I called Luke Hemmings with a man bun.

"It's been a while since we last saw you!" he said and gave me a big hug as he leaned a bit forwards to reach me.

"It has, I was so busy with preparing for this tour and you know – my first real job as a photographer," I said and let him go. "And now you're stuck with us for a few months, damn." He said and smiled.

"Where's my hug?" I heard a voice appear behind the blonde Australian and Luke quickly stepped out of the way. I smiled at the tan boy of the group.

"Hey, Cal," I said as I walked over to him and wrap my arms around him. "Hey," he said before letting me go.

Just a hug.

No kiss.

Because exes don't kiss. 

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