34 | Instagram - Michael

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hi folks quick update as you may have noticed i havent uploaded much in the past days, thats bc i have a really busy week with school and i have to work all the weekends BUT christmas break starts next week so PLEASE bare with me, ill promise lots of chapters during the christmas days & new years eve n stuff!!!! heres a short insta one but ill promise that the big chaps are coming soon  ;)



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michaelclifford liz & I took this picture about three years ago, back in the old days where I had blue hair. she is the sweetest human being and doesn't deserve all the hate you guys send her. please don't think we don't see any of it, because I've seen it all and it hurts me that my best friends are being hurt by y'all. the fact that I have to make an instagram post about this is making me sick to my stomach. please send love and happiness, do not spread hate. if i see any one of you sending more death threats to her, i will make sure the police will be notified. thank you.


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phatbattery agreed!! people are being so mean without knowing the whole story!

wtfhemmo Omggg you guys are cute!! and i know! people are rude

Alleeeclifford Im sorry Mikey I thought she hurt calum

rachelxhanka michael clifford is a wise, wise man.

crystalleigh preach 😘

happyyyyray are ashton and liz together?


ExposeElizabeth are you really picking HER over CALUM lmao im done

ashtonirwin 👏👏👏

DDmenes okkkk but what happened between her and calum?

demi123lovato Is calum okay?


ashlovespinguke this is a friendship

angellove34426 thank u for this post

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