13 | Elizabeth

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"If it isn't my favorite girl!" A very happy and excited Crystal was waiting for us at the hotel lobby. She wrapped her petite arms around my slightly less petite body. "Hey Crys," I said, hugging her back.

"How come you look more excited to see Elizabeth instead of your own damn fiancé?" a slightly jealous Michael Clifford said when I finally let go of the still-pink haired girl.

"Because I am," Crystal said, smiling before wrapping her arms around the redhead. "I'm kidding, I love you." She said, before giving him a small kiss on his lips, not wanting to push the PDA limit.

I gave Sierra a hug when she had finally let go of Luke. "How have you been? I haven't seen you for ages!" she said. I shrugged. "Oh, you know, busy tour life, I guess," I said and she smiled. "I feel you, I'm glad I finally have two weeks off. Glad I could join for a bit, different settings." She said and I nodded. "Glad we're all back together now," I told her and she nodded.

The boys and I checked into the hotel and brought our luggage to our rooms. Of course, my room had to be the one next to Calum. At least it was easy for me to find when he would booty call me or I would booty call him.

We agreed to go out to dinner in a few with the entire group and maybe go drink something at the bar after, which sounded like a great idea to me. I was dying to spend some time with the girls anyway and we would do a girls night in a few days anyway.

I threw on a black dress and managed to put on some eyeliner and mascara to look at least a bit decent before putting on some heels.

Three years ago I would never put on a tight dress like this, or heels, or put an effort in makeup. But then I met Calum Hood and things kinda changed from there.

I grabbed my keycard and walked out of the hotel room, and noticed the door on the left opening at the same time and seeing a dressed up Calum walk out. He looked at me and I could feel his eyes go up and down my body.

He smiled at me softly. "You look nice," he said and I smiled back at him. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself," I said and he chuckled.

It was like old times for a split second, but then I remember Calum walking out of the venue with a girl just yesterday. "Are the others already -" "Downstairs? Yes." I said before quickly walking past him. Calum caught up to me and got into the elevator just in time.

"My room or yours tonight?" he whispered in my ear as he stood behind me, his breath against my neck making me shiver a bit. "Can't wait to take that dress of your body." He said as he placed his hand on my waist and slowly but surely taking it a bit higher up.

I bit my lip. "Yours," I said before the elevator doors opened and I walked out, making sure no one had seen us in the awkward position. Just sex. Nothing else.

Needless to say, it felt pretty hopeless pining for someone who had no intention of giving me the affection I needed.

I joined the group and Calum did as well. "Are we taking a cab?" Luke asked as he was holding out Sierra's coat so that she could easily slip her arms through. Ashton nodded. "Yeah, they're already waiting. We got two of 'em, so split up." He said and I immediately walked over to the cab that Michael and Crystal were getting in.

Sierra and Luke got in the other one, and I was praying that Ashton would join ours, but he didn't, Calum did.

It wasn't supposed to be so uncomfortable between us, but it was. I couldn't help it.

The tension between us was too obvious and Crystal coughed a bit. "So - how is your first job as a photographer?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit. I smiled at her. "It's good - The fans are being so incredibly nice and they love it, I'm still having some trouble with editing the tour diaries, Andy is better in that part than I am, but I'm getting the hang of it, I guess.

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