chapter 2 snowdin. #edited

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You open the door, only to reveal a small dark room. Its pitch black like a void if nightmares- the energy it sends you gives you shivers.

As you walk forward you see a dim source of light- only iluminating a small patch of ground...

Danger- DANGER!!

Dispite your racing thoughts telling you to go back, you push forward.

When you get about 3 or 4 feet from it a yellow flower pops out of the ground- you recognized it.

Flowey grinns at you.

"Howdy! Its me- your good ol' freind flowey!" He says.

You scowl at him.

Freind? Hes joking.

"You know- for someone who just met that smiley trash- you sure have gotton close with him... Its too bad your so messed up- and... Your soul. I've never seen anything like it... I dont know what you are but i dont want anything to do with it." Flowey states, squinting at you before receding underground.

You don't really understand what he meant by ' i dont know what you are' but you have the feeling the truth is pretty... crazy.

You shake your head- you have to leave. Its the only way.

God you sound like your in a drama...


"OH! MY LOVE DONT LEAVE ME!" you say in the darkness, posing dramatically.

What are you doing???

You shake your head, laughing off your weirdness, then open the second door.

A gust of cold wind and snowflakes enter the dark room as your blinded by white, eeflective snow- even though its dark as night out there- you are leaving a pitch black room.

You step outside, obserbing your suroundings, hearing the crunch of the snow under your foot.

You're in a snowy pine forest, the dark bark and green pines send waves of freezing caulm through you. The snow reached over your ankles and is probably deeper still.

Ok time to go before you freeze to death.

As you speedwalk through the forest, you remember sans saying his town is pretty 'cool'.

Haha- still gets you. Is this where the town is?

You shake your head and quicken your pace further, already feeling the cold chomp at your toes and fingers.

You eventually reach a gate thing- 'ts too wide to stop anyone- why is it there? And... The chasm...

W-wheres the bottom???

You feel terror rise through your body as you fall on the ground.

You have to keep going- dont stop now because of a stupid bridge!

You inchworm your way across, getting your clothes wet in the freezing snow and water.

Great- just great- cant control yourself when you feel that kind of terror and now your skrewed- there should be a town coming up- you just have to get there.

You reach the end of the bridge and stand with a shiver.

Ok- time to go before you freeze to death- and thats not metaphorical...

You begin running, passing small, wooden, run-down buildings. It seems to be all snow for a long time- crap.

You run for as long as you can, slowing down when you feel like sweating, hoping its not hypothermia setting in- in this kind of weather- you can probably die within an hour of staying out here...

After a while, you see a blob of blue and black- what is that?

You run closer and recodnise a figure walking in your direction.

Its sans!

Hes walking at a slow pace, eyes closed and he seems to be enjoying a walk or something.

He opens his eyes pribably hearing the crunching of your footsteps.

"Y/N? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALL THE-" he starts, yelling in shock and seemingly worry.

"S-SAND OH M-M-MY G-GOD MAKE M-ME WARM!!!" you scream, teeth chattering as you bulldoze him, knocking him off his feet, unzipping his jacket, wrapping it around you, then zipping it around the both of you while sans makes noises of confusion and surprise.

Sans lies flat on the ground while you shiver in his jacket, warming up.

His jacket is surprisingly warm and sans is warm to the touch.

You have no care for personal space at the moment- all you are conserned about is warming up.

You bring your knees under you- both sides of sans- somehow not streatching his jacket to tearing point.

After a bit of silence sans speaks.

"K-kid what are you doing? He asks with a slight studder.

"I-im warming up." You say through slightly less chattering teeth.

"Your pretty w-warm for a skeleton- didnt know skelletons had body heat." You say.

"Y-yeah- magic sends off abit of heat." He says.

"Our molocules vibrate, creating friction against the air- and we can shiver too- we get cold just like you do." He states.

"Whoa... Thats cool! I didnt know you were a nerd too!" You say in facination.

"Nerd!? Im not a nerd! I just- uh... Know some... Things..." He says- its obvious theres more to it than that but you dont feel like pushing it.

"Are- are you going to get off me?" Sans asks after a while.

"When i can feel my hands and feet yes. Sharing body heat can save a life yah know- your lucky i didnt have to strip- either of us." You state, squinting at him.

Sans' face flushed a dark blue.

"S-sorry- gees, no need to get pissy." Sans stammered.

You nod.

After a while longer, you can feel your hands and feet again- your still chilly enough to shiver but you can feel your limbs.

"Ok, im goo-" you start before realizing sans had fallen asleep.

You sigh, unzipping the jacket and getting up, then picking sans up bridal style.

You... Dont know any other way to pick him up and walk efectively.

You walk on, eventually reaching a town.

You reach a sign and read "welcome to snowdin"

PFFF SNOWDIN? THATS HILARIOUS! Did sans himself name it or somethin?

As you walk through the town, you get strange looks.

"YO! why are you carrying the short skeleton like that? Did he pass out again? He does that alot. Yo- wheres his brother- hes probably worried!" A small yellow and orange dinosaur without arms asks you.

"He has a brother? Actually- hey- do you know where his house is? I should probably drop him off." You say.

The monster kid nods and runs infront of you, leading you forward.

He eventually stops at a gingerbread looking house.

Huh... Intresting.

You thank the monster kid and enter the house.

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