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(Warning- sum uh- hotshit owo *insert lenny* but no lemon MWAHAHAHA! So yee. Also- gore and uhm- mention of school shooters and bullies and shit- like- thats no laughing matter peeple so- just- theres sum really bad shit that happenes so beware.)

And now without further ado

You wake to being shaken by small child hands.

"Wake! Wake!" Frisk shouts in her same old hoarse, scratchy voice.

You groggily sit up, wiping the tired from your still droopy eyes.

Frisk looks at you with excitement.

Today's the day. The day of the party! Your so excited!

You get up, walking to the closet pulling out a sweater dress, one that tori made for you- it's just like hers- except pockets and a hood- apparently she made it while you were hospitalized.

You grab a towel, some jeans, and underwear.

You walk to the bathroom, announcing that your taking a shower.

You undress and look at the scars on your body. They are all pretty faded- almost invisible but there. And they are everywhere. An exceptionally large scar running across your stomach and into your side. You have no idea what caused them exactly... but you know when they are from...

You sigh, digging your nails into the sides of your arms.

You guess the others didn't see them. Alphys didn't see them... Doesn't matter.

You turn the shower on- exceptionally hot, almost hot tub level hot.

Love it.

You get in and clean yourself of grease and dirt piled up over however long it was since you last had a shower.

When you finish, you dry off, putting your clothes on and have tori do your hair.

When Mtt tried doing your hair- it was too greasy and stuff, but now it's soft, fine, and malleable. Your bright red hair reflects light- looking like embers of a flame.

Tori does your hair in soft wavy curls.

"My child- would you like makeup?" Tori asks, holding lipstick and stuff up.

"Yes/no, thanks mom." You say.

You shouldn't keep calling her- forget. Forget.

Tori nods and (YES- does your makeup, as much as you don't like being prettied up, this is a party, plus- tori made you so relaxed you walked out- after tori- half asleep- much to everyone's amusement.) (NO- stands, holding a soft paw to you. You take it and she leads you out of the bathroom.)

You make all the last preparations, finishing the food, tidying decorations, fixing the tree, helping tori to hook up the karaoke machine- needles to say- you go a bit overboard.

After hooking up the karaoke machine- you feel pretty exhausted, so- you sit at one of the tables that's been set up and take a small nap.


You rewake to something hard and smooth poking you in the cheek.

You let out a huff, lifting your head and opening your eyes to see... the one and only sans- the person you ran away from last night because... yeah....

You give him an awkward grin.

"Hey... uhm... sorry about last night. I... heh..." sans says, scratching the back of his skull.

Wait- he's wearing a suit!

You look him up and down.

Not... bad... oh gosh...

psychetale (sansxreader)Where stories live. Discover now