peaceful tranquility the snow #edited

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The cold blasts against you as you walk out of the house, sans following behind.

All is quiet- save for the wind and snow crunching beneith your feet.

A wave of calm crashes into you as you look up to the ceiling, resembling the night sky- snow falling from invisible clouds.

The wind russles the dullgreen pine trees dotting the area, giving a sence of pure raw beuty, safety, and serenity.

This feeling- this beauty... Its undescribable.

You feel a bold, happy feeling bubble up- it makes you want to bounce in the snow and then flop, looking at the stars when you get tired.

All other things, people, problems- they vanish.

If it werent so cold- you'd spend your life in this spot.

You smile, a happy, exited giddy smile and kick snow in the air, bunny hopping about in a circle, falling in the snow and rolling in it, crawling and flopping again, out of breath.

A hand grabs your hood, pulling you up.

"The hell are you doing yah human puppy?? Pff- your so weird!" Sans laughs.

"We are here too- your makin a fool of yourself!" Sans grins, eves closed.

You heat up- oh- forgot you werent alone...

"Hahh... I- huff- can we... Omg that was more- haahh- tiring... Than i thought... Can- few... Stay here??" You ask, trying to catch your escaped breath.

Sans raises an eyebrow at you.

"You wanna stay out here in the cold?" He asks.

You nod.

"It... Pretty... Hhhh-" you say, still huffing.

"Ok- ok." Sans says, letting go.

You flop back into the ground.

Sans stood.

"If you dont get in in five minutes, ill-" sans starts.

You grab his leg.

"Why dont... Huh- we enjoy it... Together?" You ask.

Sans raises an eyebrow again.

" so like- are we best freinds or somethin? We always seem stuck together huh?" Sans observes.

You shrug.

"I think..." You pause in thought, getting into a sitting position.

"I think we just... Understand eachother is all." You state.

"Though, bestfreinds- its totally we-" you start.

No- shit- you... Shouldnt... Promise this kind of thing... Your going-


Forget... You have to- hell see.

Hell know.

But... You cant say you should be best freinds... To say that- then... Leave?


Thats heartbreaking...

You cant do that to him...

"Cant be best freinds huh? Cant say it surprises me. Cant have us atatched huh?" Sans says.

"Thats not it... Sans- i want- want... Wan... Huh?" You say, confused with your unthought words.


You shake your head.

"Ok- weird- listen, i... Dont... Imean- look, i have some trust issues haha... I cant go around handing people my heart without fearing theyl break it..." You state.

"Pff- we arent dating kid!" Sans laughs , sarcasm laced in his words.

You know hes just being funny but- you cant control the heat rushing to your cheeks.

"Guh- hhhah hah..." You say slightly anoyed, but also flustered.

"Heheh- gotcha there." Sans says- likely winking- your turned away so you cant see him.

You hear sans shifting, looking over to him, you see him sit.

You lay back, gazing at the shimmering spots atop the ceiling.

You see sans scoot above your head, a thoughtful gaze in his eyes- looking into yours.

You flush, then look away at the stars.

"Your embarrassed too easily." Sans chuckles, stroking your hair with a soft, brow raised expression.

"Shush. Looking someone in the eyes too long is akward." You say.

Sans chuckles.

You gaze at the ceiling emptymindedly.

The cold is starting to bother you.

"You seem to be allitle cool to the touch." Sans says, poking you, an eyebrow raised.

You puff your cheeks.

"Kindly allow me to freeze thanks." You state half sarcastically.

Sans looks dissaprovingly at you.

You sit up, wakling twards the door to grillby's, sans following in your actions.

psychetale (sansxreader)Where stories live. Discover now