"dont give up your soul for us" #edited

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You pick up more books, bringing them to your table, which is in the corner of the library, away from the other monsters.

You read further about monster history, monsters, magic, souls- all of that stuff.

But then... You feel a tap on the shoulder.

Nice- its the book keeper isnt it? What does he want?

You turn in your seat, looking up.

Seeing. . .



you quickly stand, not letting him look around you at the books behind you.

If he finds out what you're reading, he'll stop you. He wont let you out of his sight!

Think- think! Think of an excuse fast- BEFORE HE EVEN ASKS! QUICK!!!

"Watcha readin?" Sans asks, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Uh-uh- shit- you cant catch hold of a good excuse- QUICK- STALL!

"Uhm- nothing!" You shout- blushing at the sudden uncontrollable loudness you just spoke with.

Oh- you could use this reaction- it would work- explaining a coverup.

But you dont like it...

This would work for a... R18 "novel" one of those...

The reaction would go along- you have no other choice...

As much as you dont want sans to think bad of you- its... Its the only way.

Plus- you'll be dead soon anyway...

So... It doesnt matter what he thinks of you anymore does it.

Not to mention- such a subject should rattle him- hehe.

"Well your obviously reading something- you do have books behind yah- and even if ya didnt- why ya in the library if ya arent readin anythin?" Sans asks.

"Haha- yep well- uhm-" you start- forcing a blush- this one time, you need it...

"So ill ask again- whatcha readin?" He asks sternly.

You freeze.

"Uuuuh- its just a book... Just a book..." You state sweating.

"What kind of book?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Hahahah..." You laugh through your teeth, covering your face, looking away.

God you feel like an anime school girl around their crush-

"oh senpai- im so flustered!" You enact in your head.


"Nnnnnone of your buisness what kind of uh... books i like to read." You state- pushing the hint harder.

"Oh? Are you trying to trick me into thinking your reading smutt? As weird as you are- i know you wouldnt get off to that shit in public dumbass- im not stupid." Sans states, pulling you down to him by your collar, speaking slightly quieter so no one else would hear.

Thanks for being quiet but god he didnt have to say it aloud!

Your face burns like an oven- if not just for the comment but also the position you find yourself in- this, makes sans smirk for a moment.

"Im offended you would use such a bold lie with me- of course- using such an uncomfortable topic would get anyone else off your tail- hehe- im not like other monsters kid- remember that, gotta say though- you fooled me for a moment. Kudos to you for that at least." Sans says winking.


You feel beads of sweat drip down your face- your going to have to try your hardest for once...


"so im assuming you know how to break the barrier- only something of that caliber would require such lengths to hide." Sans states, sighing in iritation.

Hes- hes reading you like a book!


"Hahaha- hey- dont feel bad- you realized i was judging you the second you met me- that calls for at least alittle aplause." He states- smile plastered to his face.

But he looks... Like hes cracking... Under the plastered smile...

Hes in pain...

So... Much... Pain...

"Im... Im sorry..." You say- heart twisting at the pain you see in his face.

Sans stiffens.

"Wha?" He says dumbfounded.

"Your right... I do know... And you sh-" you start.

"Y/n... I dont care what you think about yourself- you cant just- you cant..." Sans frowns- emotions begining to show in his face.

"Your not going to listen to me... You think theres no other way... You- y-" sans clenches his teeth and looks away.

Hes... Shaking.

"Sans?" You ask in worry. You've never seen him like this...

"G-guh- y-you think your the only one who has to deal with guilt... You think- you- you..." Sans stamers.

His face is turning blue, and his left eyesocket is filling with blue liquid.

Is... Are... Is he crying?

"I guess im..." He starts- words deteriorating.

He covers his face.

Is he... Embarrassed that hes crying?

He doesnt like crying infront of people...

You know that feeling- that feeling of weakness, that feeling of breaking infront of someone- that feeling of someone seeing you in a bad situation...

"I- i... I dont... I- *hic* i- i- dont want you... T-t-to..." He says, words deteriorating into quiet sobs.

You have to get him out- you cant let people see this- he would feel horrible...

The presence of others is... Bad for him right now...

You jump to your feet in a slight panik, making sans stumble back.

Your heart aches- in the most painful way you've felt...

You wrap your arms around sans, urging him to move.

But hes still as a rock- er- statue- not rock- theres rocks that move down here...

"Comon- pap is probably bonely without us- lets go home yeah?" You say,trying to cheer him up, and also making an excuse to leave while you look around.

People are looking at you...


You cant let them see sans breaking...

You did this to him...

Are you hiding your mistake or saving him from social anxiety?

Not the time y/n...

Out of the blue, Sans pulls you behind a bookcase, making you almoast fall in the process.

You regain your balance, then look back at the-


Wait- this is a whole other room...

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